Pet Ducks Dumped in Neighborhood Pond, Help?

Free range or backyard/pen?

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Look how big and so pretty. Can you tell how many of each sex you have yet? Nice set up how do the adults feel about the babies?
Hello Miss Lydia!
A few days ago I posted a video on each one quacking, it should be the newest post before the pictures.

We actually put Downy in with the babies for a few minutes, supervised of course. She swam with the babies for a few minutes, and went inside the ark for a little bit.

Fergus likes to run back and forth across the side of the cage and "chase" the babies. Sometimes if the babies sleep against the side of the cage, Fergus will try to bite at a feather. One time Fergus was sleeping against the side of the cage, and one the babies grabbed one of his tail feathers.
He also use to play a game were he would stick his bill through the baby gate, and if one of the babies got to close he would try to bite them. We ended up putting the water bucket infront of the baby gate to block him off from doing that.

Also just a quick question, durning bad weather storms like a tornado, what do you guys do to keep your ducks safe?
I don’t have to worry about tornados but I believe if there was a warning I put them in a safe place just like I’d have to be in one.

@Miss Lydia @Cayuga momma

Did you two get a chance to see the videos of the babies quacking? I think we have three boys, three girls, but the Welsh Harlequin seems to be getting louder. Could the WH be a late quacker? What age do ducklings voices stop changing?
Your boys sound like frogs. Your girls will quack loud I could hear both.
Three of the ducklings are very loud, but the other three are pretty silent. And if they do quack it sounds like a low peeping sound.

In the videos, I can barely hear the three of them, I can hear Fergus quacking his head off in the background.
That’s who I was hearing I was wondering who had their frog voice down so well already. lol.

Lol I should of mention it in the orginal post, but yes,Fergus loves to be the center of attention, he will quack at everything and everyone.
Snice Fergus is my first male, I always assume males were just very talkative while females are loud when they quack.

Downy doesnt quack very much, but when she does it is very loud lol.
Yep you have the best to go by as what you have in sex with Fergus an Downy showing you the voices. My drake talks continually but it’s a low sound just think if they were as loud as the girls and talked every breathe. :eek:

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