*POLL*What do you consider too much money for a chick ?

*POLL* Would you pay "top dollar" for a chick? If so, what would be your limit?

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I just bought three silkie chicks, two splash and one buff at $10 each. The father won first prize at the state fair apparently and was told if I was into showing they could do well. (which I didn’t know until I picked them up because I didn’t care)
Ok, guys.
@Overo Mare @The Moonshiner @Nabiki @nicalandia @Kiki @ChicKat @Conan @muddy75 @Sapphire Sebright @ColtHandorf @casportpony @room onthebroom @Redhead Rae
Please tag whoever else you can to join in.

This is something I've been thinking about for a bit.
My wife and I were conversing the other night, and I think it's worth some time discussing here.
I'll sit back and add my 2 cents later on today.

Please vote and explain the reason for your answer.

Thank you!
Since I'm not into exotic breeds or shows, I guess I'm a cheap skate. But, I do enjoy getting a chick/ chicken I like for a fair price.
That's it.
I have never known of live chicks being posted out here in England however we get eggs posted through the Mail. For point of lay hens they can range anywhere from 20 pounds up to 60 pounds my black rosecomb was 40 and in some instances I prefer getting POL as you know what you are getting. I have just done 2 hatches in my little Rcom pro10 and good success as it was my first time hatching eggs and who knows how many times they’ve been thrown around whilst out for delivery. It’s a lovely experience but now I’m waiting to see who turns out to be a cockerel. So for me the expense of incubator etc and then the nervous wait for who’s who, I’d rather pay for someone else to do that!!! But my blue and black little rosecomb are too cute so glad I had the experience.
I voted $50 dollars. I don't think I would ever pay this much for a chick. But I do believe that some chicks have this value and more. I live in Ireland and there is a place big into poultry. One of the top places in Ireland. And I think it is possible to buy parent and grand parent stock chicks of their hybrid chickens. There has been a tremendous amount of time and work put into what they have. To sell these chicks could mean to start loosing their business sometime down the road. I think some of these kinds of chicks are up to €200. The cheapest I think being parent stock for about €50.
Greenfire charges $60+++ for straight run, EACH! (ayam cemanis are $100 each)
Not more than maybe $15, and it had better be sexed! Same for hatching eggs, maximum of $6 an egg.
I'm cheap but I had better see proven quality and at least an attempt at the standard of perfection, before I pay more than $15 for a chick.
That's the thing, though. Greenfire is known for its quality and it actually creates the standard for some breeds. So, you know what you're getting when you buy from Greenfire.
Greenfire charges $60+++ for straight run, EACH! (ayam cemanis are $100 each)
Not more than maybe $15, and it had better be sexed! Same for hatching eggs, maximum of $6 an egg.
I'm cheap but I had better see proven quality and at least an attempt at the standard of perfection, before I pay more than $15 for a chick.
That's the company I considered spending more at for the American Bresse

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