post pics of your mama ducks with their babies!!


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Marysville Ohio
i love natural incubation. love it when a mother of anything hatches her babies. so please if you would post pictures of your momma duck and her babies. thanks. cole.
When my Chocolate Runner hatched out eleven ducklings it was a wonderful experience, I felt like a grandma and took lots of pics and video.
I actually made a little movie about it and posted it online:
Here she is with the first two that hatched.

Here the ducklings with their Welsh Harlequin "auntie" who loved the duckies too.

Have to share this one also, I gave momma two Welsh Harlequins to foster along with her eleven Runner duckings.
So one chilly mornining they came out of their house and decided it was so cold they all needed to huddle under momma.
There are THIRTEEN ducklings under their skinny Runner mommy!

I have a few other pics but I don't want to hog this thread, so I will post one just one more.
It's not my photo but it's such a lovely one of a Welsh Harlequin hen and her ducklings I have to show it again.
This is my mallard hen (susie) with her only baby that hacthed (cakers). Im convinced she would of hatched more, but her mate (a big white pekin) decided that he didn't want her to sit on any eggs so he broke most of them. But she managed to hatched this one. She was a very good mom and the baby was growing up great. Unfortunately we lost them both do to a predator. I also love naterul incubation, infact that is the only way I hatch any of my birds.

Her and cakers at a day old
Her and cakers the day berfor we lost them both
great pictures everybody!!! love them. and Dances With Ducks post as many pictures as you want. thats what this thread is for!!!!!
p.s. i watched that video. sooo cute. hows the 5 you have left? any pictures.?
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those are wonderful pics! Just seeing them cheers me up a bit, I needed a smile. All those babies under one little hen! What a good mommy.


I love the name "Cakers" lol. So sad to hear you lost them. I can certainly sympathize.
Here is my girl - she didnt turn out to be as good a mom to ducklings as she was just sitting on the eggs- but for a first time she did Ok.


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