Pretty sure she's egg bound...

I hop on here because I’m dealing with the same thing. My duck Jemima has been quiet, lethargic and hunched over in a corner all day. I found an egg trailing out of her, looking like an airless balloon. Her eyes were also watery, a bit foamy. I just soaked her in a bucket of hot water, and pulled gently on the egg string. It broke off, so I soaked her more. Then I had to dig around for the end, but eventually I pulled out an entire deflated egg, along with alubemen.
She’s still soaking, but I hope she will be ok now. She looks miserable.
@GldnValleyHens hows your girl doing today? Do you have Calcium Gluconate to give her?
She was doing fine, but she went downhill this afternoon all of the sudden, and died before I could do anything. I didn’t have calcium on hand. I am not quite sure was happened, perhaps she had eggs internally, or an infection of some sorts, because her cloaca looked empty, and her abdomen wasn’t swollen.
Pretty sad, she was my best girl. A beautiful Snowy Call :hmm

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