Ribh's D'Coopage

I like pictures too - but more because the chickens are so lovely and in many cases it fires up the imagination. As an example I have been inspired by your pictures and @Shadrach's pictures in thinking about the shrubs I want in my chicken garden.
I have a friend who is a horticulturist by training and I have been showing her pictures from here to explain how they like something they can get in and under and explore around. Ideally multi-stemmed natives is what I am looking for.
I was lucky in that I had a well established garden before I had chooks. They are rough on new plants. I want to add some extra things but am having terrible trouble with the girls digging everything up before I can properly protect it ~ or just down right eating it. Goodbye gooseberry bush! 🙄
I have been involved in this blue bird project for over 30 years. I can't tell you how many blue bird families have hatched at my house and at my parents house. Not to mention the numerous other places I have gotten boxes placed.

20 years ago it was all out warfare with the sparrows. Then I discovered this. By putting a second box next to my blue bird box, 6 feet away and 1 foot lower, the sparrows would use the lower box and leave the higher box for the blue birds.

Here is one of my set ups

View attachment 2631083

The sparrows have a nest in the one on the left and the blue birds have a nest in the one on the right. If you look close in this picture you can see a white line in the opening of the box. Mrs Blue Bird was wat

I like pictures. :D I'm a very visual learner. If I can *see* it, I can do it.

I'm realizing Rich's son, Mason, is this way. Anna I can give a verbal list of instructions to and she'll be fine. Mason is lost before step 1. If I show him what I want, he's got it!
I was lucky in that I had a well established garden before I had chooks. They are rough on new plants. I want to add some extra things but am having terrible trouble with the girls digging everything up before I can properly protect it ~ or just down right eating it. Goodbye gooseberry bush! 🙄
Yes, my thinking is that I will fence them off the shrubs for at least a year to let the shrubs establish themselves. It may not work but is worth a try.
I don't like that the Chicken Palace opens onto a wide open meadow. I mean I love the meadow and it has a bit portion that in unmown for wildflowers, but it means they are very exposed to predators from the air. I will use fence to protect against the foxes who hang out in the wildflower meadow catching mice, but today even with me sitting there it was a bit scary how the hawks just circle overhead (presumably also looking for mice).
I like pictures too - but more because the chickens are so lovely and in many cases it fires up the imagination. As an example I have been inspired by your pictures and @Shadrach's pictures in thinking about the shrubs I want in my chicken garden.
I have a friend who is a horticulturist by training and I have been showing her pictures from here to explain how they like something they can get in and under and explore around. Ideally multi-stemmed natives is what I am looking for.
Maybe some little hobbit hole to hide in?

Awww. Well the Chicken Palace is really their hobbit hole - it is the hobbit garden I am after creating!
I am feeling optimistic even after watching them systematically destroy the grass where they were today. :lau
Good luck with that!

My group are now digging craters now that the weeds are gone. I need to expand their run again.
Good luck with that!

My group are now digging craters now that the weeds are gone. I need to expand their run again.
I am using these step-in temporary fence posts with deer netting - so in theory I can reshape their run as often as I want to give the ground a bit of a rest. The area next to the Chicken Palace is of course a lost cause - but I am hoping that further out areas can be rotated.
We will see.
I am using these step-in temporary fence posts with deer netting - so in theory I can reshape their run as often as I want to give the ground a bit of a rest. The area next to the Chicken Palace is of course a lost cause - but I am hoping that further out areas can be rotated.
We will see.
I use puppy play pen panels for the same purpose. Very handy for temporary chicken fencing.
I am using these step-in temporary fence posts with deer netting - so in theory I can reshape their run as often as I want to give the ground a bit of a rest. The area next to the Chicken Palace is of course a lost cause - but I am hoping that further out areas can be rotated.
We will see.
I love that stuff! It is awesome for moving around and giving fresh areas!

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