Ribh's D'Coopage

No, so I see. It's a PDF file I got sent.
I'll see what I can do. Sorry.

OK, I probably need to read it again but I think he reads different history than I do & some of his sources are really suspect: Tacitus & Herodotus, for starters, who's information must always be taken with a generous pinch of salt & preferably backed with archaeological evidence. Neither visited some of the places they talk about & their information is 2nd, 3rd or more hand.

I didn't think anyone believed the Roman Empire was destroyed by marauding bands of barbarians. Multiple factors contributed to Rome's downfall: economic, political, social & military. To say anything else really is nonsense ~ but Roman history is really not my area. I think they were a horrible people. They built everything in straight lines! :lol:

But of course, if you want to push the idea that there are no ideological, ethnic, religious etc differences between various groups of European peoples this is exactly the sort of argument to make & that makes it highly suspect in my view. To deny differences is to try & make everybody the same & that just isn't true.

So go ahead. Shoot me down. 😳
OK, I probably need to read it again but I think he reads different history than I do & some of his sources are really suspect: Tacitus & Herodotus, for starters, who's information must always be taken with a generous pinch of salt & preferably backed with archaeological evidence. Neither visited some of the places they talk about & their information is 2nd, 3rd or more hand.

I didn't think anyone believed the Roman Empire was destroyed by marauding bands of barbarians. Multiple factors contributed to Rome's downfall: economic, political, social & military. To say anything else really is nonsense ~ but Roman history is really not my area. I think they were a horrible people. They built everything in straight lines! :lol:

But of course, if you want to push the idea that there are no ideological, ethnic, religious etc differences between various groups of European peoples this is exactly the sort of argument to make & that makes it highly suspect in my view. To deny differences is to try & make everybody the same & that just isn't true.

So go ahead. Shoot me down. 😳
I don't know anything about the subject. One of my half brothers who is a professor in some strange period of history sent me the file.
We were dsicussing the need some people have for cultural identity and Nationalism in general.
I have ancestors but I'm whatever it says on my passport.
Chicken Tax. Fudge and Tackle L to R front. Tap and Mel with her beak in some plant water.
I don't know anything about the subject. One of my half brothers who is a professor in some strange period of history sent me the file.
We were dsicussing the need some people have for cultural identity and Nationalism in general.
I have ancestors but I'm whatever it says on my passport.

If your half brother is an historian he should know better! lol Now thems some fighting words. 🙄 I'm sorry, Shad, but I'd want much better documentation than this article. Where are his notes & sources? Where's the archaeological data? This is more a philosophical treatise than a serious academic look @ the evolution of European nations & completely ignores what was happening across Asia that started pushing peoples westward. It takes no account of climatic conditions ~ always a factor to be considered~ or the fact Europe was trading all the way down into the middle eastern countries as far back as the Galatians & Russos.

Where one lives in part determines how communities evolve. The Vikings are a classic example. When one is hemmed in by snow 9 months of the year with a short growing season & incredibly difficult terrain then raiding by sea becomes a natural alternative. :lol:

My passport says I'm Australian but the majority of my extended family still lives in Scotland. I'm not so sure it's national identity so much ~ though as an Australian we can be a little funny that way as so many of us began uprooted by force from family & home~ as family identity & by extension community. When I was a child people still talked of England as *Home* even though their family had been here for generations & in my own family it was perfectly obvious whatever his passport said my Poppy was pure Scots. He never lost that accent.

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