Ribh's D'Coopage

One of our cats herds my husband to the kitchen every morning so he will give her a bite if his eggs which she knows I have left for him there. The rare days I don't make eggs for breakfast we have a very grumpy cat. We weren't the ones that named her, but she has taken her name to heart, Precious Princess indeed.
It surely is taking a long time to heal in this fashion. Interesting. It seems that for whatever reason the anatomy of the foot does not allow for great blood flow to the region so he can fight off the bacteria. This is probably why @Kris5902 Roostie is having such trouble. 🤔

I should probably spoiler this... but it is true for humans as well. My Ex dropped a very large spool of rope (600 lbs ish) on his big toe at work. The nail ended up deeply embedded in his toe and it got really infected. He was on an absolutely Massive doseage of antibiotics to clear it up.

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