Ribh's D'Coopage

Interesting. Would you do that in person or one of their on-line programs?
I am at early stages of exploring the idea - I am in my last few months of work but it is hard to focus on what is next because I keep getting pulled into issues.
Then I foolishly decided now was a good time to do a bunch of long delayed basic home maintenance which is turning out way more time consuming and stressful than I imagined!
The end of your time at job becomes all consuming. In my experience you will have trouble finding time for anything else. Then in a snap of the fingers it's gone. It's ok to wait to figure out the next step.

Chicken tax
I am glad I didn't offend you too much. And for the record I didn't emphasize practicality, but you are clearly good with your hands - look at all the crochet - and clearly have loads of common sense.
Anyway, I figured that it would be hard to be employed full time which is why I suggested some part time, freelance type work. Editing and proofreading are traditionally done remotely and on a freelance basis. I imagine you can spot a badly constructed sentence from a hundred yards!
Anyway, I will stop as I am not in the position to actually offer you a job so cannot really help except to say that I love the retiree education idea and would totally do that myself if it was an option here. I am massively over educated but all sort of 'trade school' type things and I really missed out on things like philosophy and literature. As I am about to retire I was thinking of doing some on line studies myself.
I am sure you will figure it out.
Not offended @ all. I've tended to fall into jobs rather than actively looking for one because the things I tend to be passionate about don't make any money. :lau :idunno I promised myself when I was done with the kids I'd make time for my writing again. I am slow but nearly have chapter 1 of my present book ready to go live & will link when I have done so for anyone who is interested but as I'm a fantacist that may be a very small audience. 🤣
Not offended @ all. I've tended to fall into jobs rather than actively looking for one because the things I tend to be passionate about don't make any money. :lau :idunno I promised myself when I was done with the kids I'd make time for my writing again. I am slow but nearly have chapter 1 of my present book ready to go live & will link when I have done so for anyone who is interested but as I'm a fantacist that may be a very small audience. 🤣
I for one, cannot wait! :wee :wee
It's all good RC. I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other & eventually all things will resolve themselves. :hugs
Leaving Spain was irritating. Losing the house that built was irritating as well.
The views, the sunshine, the few people I had come to know a bit; probably doesn't bear well on my attitude but I can get over all that very quickly.
Losing the tribes was heartbreaking. Think how much time I've spent here on BYC chatting to you lot about them. I'm not Mr sociable and this is as near as I get to social contact.
I found it incredibley difficult to think that the probability was chicken life for me was over. Where would I find chickens that I could have anything like the same level of interaction with in a busy city where a piece of land large enough to keep my own chickens costs form £500,000 upwards.
I struggled each time I thought I'll just go on BYC. What would I talk about. I mostly post pictures and stories of chickens and I didn't have any to post.
I couldn't bear to look at the hundreds of chicken pictures I have of the tribes. I couldn't write about them. My book just got buried. I couldn't bear to write any more, or read what I had already written.
But, here I am with the most improbable result. My daughter found me lots of chickens. Even better, the person who is ultimately responsible for them was delighted for me to step in and try to take care of them. There's a story that goes with this I'll write a bit about one day.
There's nobody at the allotments. I can come and go as I please. Most people don't even know the chickens are there. I do the tedious official dealing shite in the morning that hopefully will one day get me somewhere permanat to live and after that I'm out the door with my meds kit, containers of food and a few tools and off to see my new friends the Rescues and Ex Batts.
The chances of something like this happening are almost non exiistant yet it's happened.
Yep, I'm still piss poor though better off than I was. I can feed myself. I have roof over my head and a pension, a bus pass (sounds silly but travel is seriously expensive especially if one insists on having a car) a bank account and an identity now, but most of all, I have chickens to care for.
Life could be a lot worse.

Henry 11 retrieving one of his hens from the goose run.:love

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