rooster with respiratory infection - how to treat?

Sep 20, 2017
Washington State
We have a 6 month old rooster with what appears to be a respiratory infection: coughing, sneezing, wheezing/whistling sounds while breathing, beak sometimes slightly open when breathing, sounds hoarse and less than full volume when crowing. He also has a pretty bad case of frostbite on his comb and wattles. We brought him inside this afternoon and are keeping him warm, dark and quiet in a crate in our bedroom. We've been hand-feeding treats and his appetite seems to be good. I haven't seen him drink out of the bowl in his crate yet so I put a few drops of water on the side of his beak and he swallowed those. I also fed him a few leaves of parsley as it's supposed to have antibacterial properties.

Is there anything else we can do in the absence of vet care? None of the vets in our area will treat chickens.
I don't think I can get antibiotics from my primary care physician. I haven't been in to see her in almost two years and while she's nice we're not that close. Plus she works at a federally qualified community health clinic and I'm sure they have to be extra careful with antibiotics. Our vet is very careful with antibiotics too and will not prescribe them for our dog without seeing her in person. We've given doxycycline to our pet mice in the past for respiratory infections and I know it works; so does Baytril. I wish we could get our hands on some!

As for the feed store, they do not carry Tylan 50. They said that they do carry some antibiotics but none that are labeled for poultry. I plan to go see what they carry but I'm not sure which drugs would be OK to give to a chicken.

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