sick hen (wheezing, coughing, diarrhea, bright and clear eyes, eating and drinking as usual)


5 Years
May 2, 2014
Richmond Texas
I have a chicken that is about a year old. Americauna hen named Sunflower. She has started coughing and is wheezy if you hold her up close you can hear the wheezing. She does a head jerk thing when coughing. Her eyes and nose are clear. She does not have drainage from eyes or nasal passages. She is eating and drinking as usual and has not lost energy (she is not lethargic). I checked her vent and it is covered with what looks like diarrhea. And her ears are white (matches color of diarrhea on her bum/vent area). I have quarantined her.

I need advice on a diagnosis and how to treat her.

I also need to know if she is contagious because my son just got 10 turkey pullets today for FFA. I am currently keeping them separate as well, but if there is any chance this is contagious I need to know how to keep from losing any of my son's turkeys.

Below is a pic of her eyes, ears and nostrils. And following that is a pic of her vent/bum with diarrhea.

sunflower clear eyes white on ears.png

Cleaned her vent. Obvious now that it is certainly diarrhea. Her vent is clear and looks good. I need to trim feathers around her bum and give her yogurt until I have better advice here from others knowledgeable about what we are dealing with here.
I'm sorry she isn't feeling too well.
The white on her ears...can you get a full shot of that?

How long has she been coughing?
Cough makes me think respiratory disease.
Can you post a video of her coughing on Youtube then link it here?

Gapeworm comes to mind too.

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