Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

Growing Work In Progress GIF by Simian Reflux
grow little one grow
May this hatch go well without a lot shrink wrapping.
I won't be using the mesh bags as not enough buffs made it this far. Those I'm thinking would have caused me to sneak them out when they hatched to get them out of there.

It's sort of a wash on the $$ lost on the hatching eggs as DNA was going to cost me $64, which I won't be spending now. Thus, they stay in there while any are pipped or zipping even if they beg me. You know they do that lol. They look you in the eye and cry. ☺️

So we'll not be dealing with shrink-wrapped eggs, hopefully!
So the Odo-Ban eggs are still growing okay?
I haven't candled them since Day 7, and then lost 2 of 5 of those, but also tossed 2 of 5 of the regular eggs that are with them. So all it's proving at this time is perhaps I have a rooster or two that's shooting blanks. ☺️

I really believe if the Odoban was going to affect them, it would have killed them off right away. But, it'll definitely prove it when they hatch.

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