Sit'n on the porch

The Coop is Closed until 9pm
I shut the door, it is 101 in there again at 3pm- I had to push the chicks out.
I set the young chicks up by the run gate in the shady and it is 10 degrees cooler than the coop. I have been going out every 45 min to check on them.


Can you put ice in their water?
I would melt fast, I just went out, dumped the days water and filled with cold water, then I , from the run gate, sprayed the tree trunk which made splash/mist- sprayed the far east side, I didnt get where the big hens were standing wet I didnt want them to run and over exert themselves- it is 98 in the run, the chicks liked the coolness from the water when I was done and they are not panting.

I'll go out at 4 and do it again

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