Strange Poop


12 Years
Sep 14, 2007
Ball Ground, Ga
I did the search thingy, didn't find anything on this. My chickens (JG pullets, 24 weeks old) poop is a strange color, it's a dark brown, perhaps a red, a little runny, but doesn't really look like blood. They are all acting fine, nothing different besides the poop. No new feeds, everything is the same as always. Should I worry?
what is Ceacal poo ?
some of my girls have poo that looks like some one left a piece of candy bar in the sun LOL they dont act any different and are eating, drinking and everything like normal - but mine are about 5 months old ( just found out they are eating the wrong kind of feed - to much corn and scratch would this make the poo look like that? )


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