Suspected Roo just laid an egg....


9 Years
Apr 7, 2010
My mystery is solved!!! I have a definite pullet (or the world's first ever egg-laying rooster
This pullet has done everything except for crow that has led us to believe we had a roo on our hands. I have been anxiously waiting for a definitive answer to our mystery chicken, and it came today in the shape of an beautifully formed first egg
"She" is Oprah, one of my Black Australorps. "She" (can you tell how suspicious I have been, "she" has been called IT for about 2 months now) is 21 or 22 weeks old. I will have to get my calendar out and count weeks to be sure. This chicken has seriously had us all fooled. I am so relieved. I got tickled pretty good because Oprah has been going around and around the coop today, and finally went inside. She squatted in a corner of the coop and assumed the position. I eased over, picked her up and put her in the nest box. She settled right down and got down to business. I went running around the whole house yelling at everyone, Oprah's not a Roo, Oprah's not a Roo, WHOOHOO!!!!
Congratulations on Oprah's gender discovery! I've got to ask: how did you come to name her Oprah? I have a hen named Oprah too. She's a one year old Buff Orpington.
Funny I'm in a similar situation with a questionable BA. 19 weeks and I'm back wondering if she is a he again. Very little comb development but her gosh darned tail is so roo like compared to my other breeds. I swear I see saddle feathers too, but I'm either seeing things or in too much denial.

I guess I'll know sooner or later.

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