The Clucky Coop Adventures - 2020 CHAT

Anyone have any good recipes for hot chocolate/coco? At my place it's a perfect day to drink some!! :D I'm gonna see how many people are watching this thread....


I have question: One of my Buff Orpington's has miner frostbite on her comb. What should I do for her? (At least I think it's frostbite. There are two black spots. :hmm) Also, one of the GLW's, Blamo, has a bleeding comb. I'm not sure if it's from being pecked or the cold. What should I do for that? Thanks!
Anyone have any good recipes for hot chocolate/coco? At my place it's a perfect day to drink some!! :D I'm gonna see how many people are watching this thread....


I have question: One of my Buff Orpington's has miner frostbite on her comb. What should I do for her? (At least I think it's frostbite. There are two black spots. :hmm) Also, one of the GLW's, Blamo, has a bleeding comb. I'm not sure if it's from being pecked or the cold. What should I do for that? Thanks!
I don't have any hot chocolate recipes, this is for the frostbite. Every once in a while my chickens get a couple black dots on their comb, but I don't treat it or anything. I don't think it hurts them, so I don't do anything. That's not very helpful, but oh well!
I don't have any hot chocolate recipes, this is for the frostbite. Every once in a while my chickens get a couple black dots on their comb, but I don't treat it or anything. I don't think it hurts them, so I don't do anything. That's not very helpful, but oh well!

Thanks for the advice anyway. :p What do you use to give your girls water in winter?

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