The cost of vet care

I am sorry when I read the OP it made me laugh! Here(in Ontario) I got my male cat neutered 6 years ago and it cost me ohhhh, 350. AND I opted out of the optional blood work. It cost my brother 250 to put is cat to sleep during regular office hrs.

It is crazy here. But sometimes it confuses me. It cost me 956 to give my 145 lb dog an emerg C section on a sunday but 1100 to give my cat one 5 yrs earlier on a week day(she was a rescue and my vet said she was fixed).

NOW my large animal vet I think is wonderful. Emerg vet visit on a Sunday and 5 days worth of antibiotics(for my goat) set me back 61 dollars.

I guess "expensive" is relative.
You need to do a lot of calling around. I called every vet in the phone book to get prices to have a lab neutered. I was quoted everything from 250 bucks with a overnight stay to 65 bucks and i could pick him up same day. Guess what i did? I got him done and 3 rabies for under 160 bucks. I also picked him up in a hour as soon as he woke up. These vets do it as a community service in a very poor area. My horse vet will put down pets for free as well. He even helped me dig the grave deeper.

Also if you keep very good records and keep your receipts some vets will consider that enough for shots. My vet does. I do all my grooming myself as it is way cheaper. $40 dollars on clippers that last years verses 80 per bichon every 8wks. I know what will win. Also do your best try and be your own vet. Feed a very high quailty food and you have eliminated half your health problems already. Order some dental scrapers and do their teeth yourself. I have found that Hill's science diet oral care dog food works great. I feed it as a treat and it really does work. I tried it as a dare and i love it. Do their nails yourself. Keep a first aid kit and know how to use it.
My pets see the vet to get fixed and emergencies only. Im going to try and learn how to do cpr and stitches next. and how to drain picky glands.

There is a program in our area call S.N.A.P. (spay and neuter assistance program) It is for farm pets. It goes by your income or if you are bringing tons of cats in. Its's for cats or dogs. Call your pound and see if they have anything like this.
I'm sorry your kitty is sick, but I'm curious as to why they have to keep him at the vets?
I recently had to take KiKi to the vet for a probable kidney stone and resulting UTI. They didn't keep her. I gave her the antibiotics at home that the vet had prescribed, as well increased her water intake as the vet suggested.
Total bill was $40 and that included a comfortis tablet for our puppy that I went ahead and picked up while I was there.
When we had to have Charlie Girl put to sleep in June, it was $30. The vet gave us the choice of doing it in the office or in our vehicle; she and her daughter (her vet tech.) stayed with us afterwards and helped us wrap Charlie's body up. Two days later I received a sympathy card from the vet, signed by the entire staff, the vet and her husband and the vet included a personal note.

They kept him because he ended up being completely blocked and couldn't urinate at all. She had to put a catheter (sp?) in until the medication worked. She told me today that his urine was still too bloody to do a urinalysis (not sure what they look for exactly) She is hoping tomorrow. Unfortunately, this had been going on longer than we realized. His sister (from the same litter) died about a month and a half ago and we were still attributing his odd behavior to that. Then he had an accident on my son's bed which is very unusual. Thats when we noticed something was wrong
Ah, I see. Hope Kitty gets better soon.
I have to say in defense of the veterinary community.... A lot of procedures and lab tests that are done on animals are the same as people medicine. The difference lies in the fact that a lot of americans have health insurance. So you go to the doctor and pay your co-pay. Well, from see a doctor (not a specialist) for my husband who has no insurance, it costs $70. It only cost 35 to take my dog to the vet. And guess vet paid for 8 years of schooling just like my doctor. So if you must complain about vet prices just imagine what health care for a person costs for the same things. for example....a rabies vaccine for a human (not covered by any insurance) costs about 300 dollars....25 for pets.
I also meant to add that I get all my "critters" shots from Tractor Supply...4 dollars a shot definately beats 250. I took my cat the a spay neuter was 50 dollars...males are always cheaper. You can check and see if there is a clinic near you, they also do a huge spay/neuter program here for free but its for one day, so good luck getting in.

My horse vet is the bomb..he does my rabie shots, cheap 3 yr for 30 dollars that was for 2 dogs! Unfortunately I have to do it when he's here for the horses..which means I also have to pay for the trip..arghh. He's still the bomb, and will work with you..I love him.
A fellow I know just got his teeth cleaned by his Dentist $240
he had his cat's teeth cleaned by the Vet $600
I was talking to a couple who just moved here from California and they are shocked at the Vet fees here. Yeah, me too.
And another thing! When a vet advertises that they do "exotics" they mostly mean guinea pigs and maybe a hedgehog or fancy rat. If you by some weird chance have an olive baboon that got its finger bitten by a dog, and it is getting later on in the afternoon and you are trying to find a vet to stitch them up, NOBODY will stitch up a baboon! I called all OVER southern California and about five minutes to six called a vet who just HAPPENED to be the vet that oversaw the baboons for Loma Linda University's hospital research lab (rememer Baby Fay and baboon heart transplants?) Well, after I assured him she was leash trained and I definitely had the upper hand on her he said if I got her in within a half hour he would stitch her up. I locked a chain around her waist, then locked it to the crate, so when she came out of the crate she couldn't get far if "something happened" if you know what I mean. Before I opened the door I demonstrated on the vet what hold I would put her, how I would restrain her for anaesthesia, and what commands she knew. I eased open the door, she cautiously came out and everything went as planned. The vet told me that went smoother than 95% of the dogs that come in here and had his family come down to see the monkey. After all that, the bill was only $275. I could have hugged him to death. She recovered well and you could barely see the scar at all. (Her pinky was sliced to the bone from one end to the other with the tip hanging off.)
You are absolutely correct!!!
Most people don't understand the ridiculous expenses and overhead costs of running a veterinary clinic. I do as I managed a few in the past. I guess that's why I don't begrudge them their fees. The basic services such as vaccinations help defray the some of this overhead so they can be there when you really need them with all the drugs and equipment to save your furry kid.

Love your vet if they take good care of your pet!!

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