The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I did not say this will be easy..not only is my sexing a failure, my camera work takes a back seat.

The first one is just for entertainment and laughs..this is the silliest Orpington I have ever seen.

With these three I am not sure at all (below)

I think pullet and cockerel..but..not sure

This one again..not faced

all of my splashes are male..I have never hatched a pullet.
I did not say this will be easy..not only is my sexing a failure, my camera work takes a back seat. The first one is just for entertainment and laughs..this is the silliest Orpington I have ever seen. With these three I am not sure at all (below) I think pullet and cockerel..but..not sure This one again..not faced all of my splashes are male..I have never hatched a pullet.
OMGoodness!! Thank you for the break. Ummmm I think the one on the right in the 3rd picture down is a cockerel, as well as the Splash. And I'm pretty sure the black one in the 7th picture is a cat. That's all I got.
Afghanistan, Egypt and now Syria and folks want to fight over chickens. After all we have suffered thru this last year not one person should complain about anything. We lost over half our flock to acts of vandalism. Only Vickie aka Thedragonlady would help us with a Buff Orpington cockerel. Please just drop the arguing and talk about chickens. Everyone should go back and edit their postings before the admins close the thread.

Most do not know that I lost my left kidney to cancer 8 weeks ago. Still can't get near my farm. My 12 year old son, Jahdan, has been running things with the help of his 72 year old grandmother. I almost died! So as much as I adore my Buff Orpingtons, nothing is more important to me than my family and my life! I still must sleep in a recliner because of the constant pain. Face cancer and you see the world in a whole different light. You also find out who your true family and friends are. I had some even ship me hatching eggs FREE! I was touched! We are still rebuilding some of our breeds/varieties. It takes time. But the best from anyone on BYC was the day the box arrived and this huge and expensive Buff Orpington cockerel stood up and looked at us. His trip from South Carolina was slow, but successful! He was 50% our line and 50% imported. It no longer mattered what he was. He was ours! Took another month to get any fertile eggs. Then folks who understood starting buying hatching eggs so we could afford to feed everything.

I am so thankful to my BYC family for all the notes of encouragement.

Someone post some photos and I will get back to just lurking and resting!

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Here is one of my "hopefuls" that I will possibly keep this year.

This LF Chocolate Cockerel hatched around the 1st of April. This photo was taken 3 weeks ago.
He looks good for his age (I think) and will keep him for another 2-3 months to see if he continues to improve.
I think he will be a keeper along with 2-3 pullets I have picked out

Here is one of my "hopefuls" that I will possibly keep this year.

This LF Chocolate Cockerel hatched around the 1st of April. This photo was taken 3 weeks ago.
He looks good for his age (I think) and will keep him for another 2-3 months to see if he continues to improve.
I think he will be a keeper along with 2-3 pullets I have picked out

Very nice bird Hon.

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