I'm sorry @KDOGG331 :hugs
Maybe it's from eating too much of your delicious baked goodies 😉😛

I get migraines fairly often and adding some benadryl to the ibuprofen seems to help quite a bit! 👍🤞

Oddly I haven’t eaten any yet today :lau but I was with the dogs longer than usual today so maybe overdid it haha I never tried benedryl with it. Might have to. I usually take excedrin but don’t like taking it a ton. I have to take like 2 1/2 now cause 2 stopped working. I haven’t gotten one in a while and was fine today most of the afternoon but just spent a little bit too long over there haha
He's available on the weekends! :D
How are you doing today Misty?
I am doing well today thank you for asking. I have had a lot of stuff going on recently so I was laying low and not be Debby Downer. One of my pekins got sick and didn't make it which sucks, it was my 1st one to lose. I have had some medical stuff that I just got good news about so there is some sunshine. So now I am back as long as work allows. I have been super busy for months now.
I have one! Hawks don't come around our yard often, but he lets me know when the falcons about. You can teach them to chase off certain things. Mine never chased reptiles until one day I was in the chook pen and found a large lizard(they eat eggs). I very distressingly yelled out "Biscuits protect" and since then anytime he see's something scaley he makes sure I know about it if he can't chase it off. They are wonderful but they will test you. They are not fully mature until 2, which means you can't leave them fully unsupervised with small animals because they still want to play like puppies. Biscuits will get in a mood and try bop the birds on the head as if he's playing tag. He's now 1 and has settled quite abit, especially after being desexed (highly recommend if you get a male because you have a child) but every now and then he reverts back to puppy hood. They are also really easy to teach something, so take caution in what you encourage because its really hard to break a habit. And also, they will ignore you if they think they know better.

Thanks for the advice! I was hoping for a male great pyrenees, but I doubt I'll be lucky enough to find a trained, grown or almost grown GP, so I'll probably end up starting with a puppy. Which is why I'll wait until at least fall if that's the case, because I REALLY don't want try and train a LGD in the heat of summer.

Plus, that's when we are super busy with work. Winter is our off season, so I legitimately haven't worked in like three months. I'm thinking that would be a good time for me to take on new projects before late spring and summer ramps up.

I did see an 18 month old (I think) GP on Craigslist that someone was rehoming, but they never emailed me back, so who knows what the deal was there.
I am doing well today thank you for asking. I have had a lot of stuff going on recently so I was laying low and not be Debby Downer. One of my pekins got sick and didn't make it which sucks, it was my 1st one to lose. I have had some medical stuff that I just got good news about so there is some sunshine. So now I am back as long as work allows. I have been super busy for months now.
You can't Debbie Down us! Or I mean you can... your allowed to, not that you need permission...you just can't do it... and not like an anti women's lib thing, your just not going to do it... not that that is a command, it's a simple observation ... what in saying is, we're here to listen to you. :hugs

If you want, I can help you with that job thing. I can't guarantee you'll have one when you're done, but you'll definitely have more free time.
We will be working on Valentine cards for school tonight! 😁 I remember picking out the perfect one for my crush when I was little...none of my boys have ever shown any interest in it though😏

I feel you. Maybe girls take it a little more seriously. I always LOVED Valentine's Day at school! My son is in 5th grade, so this will be his last year of parties and Valentine's boxes. :hit He couldn't care less about it since he's not a fan of Valentine's or girls yet, lol. Last year he made a Valentine's box out of a trash can and called it the "Valentine Disposal Unit." And in 3rd grade, he asked me to make him a toilet V-day box. My husband the engineer made a working flushing sound. 😎




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