Very pretty! Is she an OEGB?
I tried ti rehome the Silkies here today but it didn't work. I might have rehomed the Pekin though. I'll take what I can get I guess. I don't understand why so many people have Silkies down here. I don't think they can take the hot/wet weather all the great. Flop and Flop flatten out like fuzzy foot warmers in the heat of the day. :(
Yes, she is a mixed color OEGB.
I'm going to have to clip wing. Not only Have the NN came over, but the ACs followed them today. Three times so far. :he The ACs barley try to fly,it normally just a running flap. All the sudden, they're in the front yard.
Someone’s been dumping look at the domestic geese and ducks:( Great pics Chris!! Love the mustache on Jonah.
Yeah, it's Lake Eola, kind of a "safe place" for water fowl. It at one time was just a few swans, but over the years it's grown. One year there was a couple of swans were stolen, and the city placed some special protection over the birds there. After that the population and selection just started growing.

When we got there, one of the park attendants was filling the bird feeders. He saw me and Xaiden talking about the birds and gave X a couple hand fulls of feed to throw out. It tickled him pink, and got a couple of large swans to come up.

Jonah was a little trooper today. He was a crawling machine today! He loves the grass and there was plenty of it there for him to roam around in. Those boys kept my busy today. :D

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