#3 is out of the shell... hopefully we can keep up the good results!

Is it customary for the already hatched ducklings to "groom" the one that's trying to pull itself out of the shell? (Are they just going "oh look food"?)
Remember, a duck's bill is like our hands. Ducks do everything with their bills, grooming, carrying things around, digging,.…
I assume that this grooming of their new friends is their way to make contact and welcome them into the group.
Here we go.

4 fluffies now going in a grape barrel under a heat plate.
5 eggs remain, 4 have pipped, 1 has not and we're not hearing anything from it (peeping, pecking, bumping around) unlike the others.

If we manage to get +4 we'll be very happy. But of course it would be a great joy to have all 5 hatch so we're still rooting for that one. It's only day 26 after all so maybe that one is a stickler for protocol and waiting for day 28.

One of the hatched ducklings seems a bit weak, we're not sure whether it's because it was the most recently hatched one and is still finding its legs or is it a bit underdeveloped. We'll have a clearer picture in the morning I guess. Right now I think we foremostly need to make sure it stays under the heating plate.

Here we go.

4 fluffies now going in a grape barrel under a heat plate.
5 eggs remain, 4 have pipped, 1 has not and we're not hearing anything from it (peeping, pecking, bumping around) unlike the others.

If we manage to get +4 we'll be very happy. But of course it would be a great joy to have all 5 hatch so we're still rooting for that one. It's only day 26 after all so maybe that one is a stickler for protocol and waiting for day 28.

One of the hatched ducklings seems a bit weak, we're not sure whether it's because it was the most recently hatched one and is still finding its legs or is it a bit underdeveloped. We'll have a clearer picture in the morning I guess. Right now I think we foremostly need to make sure it stays under the heating plate.

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Do you see movement in the air-bubble when you candle the fifth egg? - If yes: Safety hole!
One more duckling appeared by morning (it's 7:42 AM here).

We still hear peeping from the remaining eggs and will check them individually and maybe enlarge the holes if we see that some are struggling to get out.

Yesterday's four look like they gained +50% in size overnight :)They are now getting interested in water with some sugar and a vitamin-mineral mix, and starter crumble. The one we considered to be maybe a little behind the others is also taking part.

Now looking out for splayed legs. We think maybe 2 candidates but will hold off till noon or so as they are only now starting to move around more vigorously.

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One more duckling appeared by morning (it's 7:42 AM here).

We still hear peeping from the remaining eggs and will check them individually and maybe enlarge the holes if we see that some are struggling to get out.

Yesterday's four look like they gained +50% in size overnight :)They are now getting interested in water with some sugar and a vitamin-mineral mix, and starter crumble. The one we considered to be maybe a little behind the others is also taking part.

Now looking out for splayed legs. We think maybe 2 candidates but will hold off till noon or so as they are only now starting to move around more vigorously.

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The rubber shelf liner is perfect to keep splay leg from happening. They sure are precious!
One more duckling appeared by morning (it's 7:42 AM here).

We still hear peeping from the remaining eggs and will check them individually and maybe enlarge the holes if we see that some are struggling to get out.

Yesterday's four look like they gained +50% in size overnight :)They are now getting interested in water with some sugar and a vitamin-mineral mix, and starter crumble. The one we considered to be maybe a little behind the others is also taking part.

Now looking out for splayed legs. We think maybe 2 candidates but will hold off till noon or so as they are only now starting to move around more vigorously.

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Amazing how fast they grow, huh?

The new one that hatched yesterday is half the size (or more!) of the ones that hatched a week ago!
Final duckling report. Not super final because the young ones still have to make it through the first couple of weeks but here goes.

- The one in egg #9 is sadly dead, all tangled up and wrapped, similar to what happened to the majority in the first round

- The one in egg #8 had to be helped a lot because it was somehow turned and twisted inside the egg, there was a bit of blood as it came out, it was noticeably weak, we did some syringe feeding, I was not really sure it will be with us in the morning... but it is (not a 100% all clear yet but a visible improvement for sure)

- The first #1-#7 are doing well, they are very lively and trying to figure out ways to get out of the grape barrel

- The two ducklings of round 1 are now a month old and doing very well too; at least one is clearly a female (QUAAAAACK)

- As to why some eggs start developing and then give up, we have no idea and at this time consider it more a random event or muddled genetics than something that can be improved upon

This was a rollercoaster of sorts, emotionally for sure, and it turned out quite well in the end. Knowledge and experience gained.

Continuing the rollercoaster, I think our old dog is about to just run out of life. He's getting slower and less lively by the day. He's had 2 cancers (testicular and a huge 4 kg spleen tumor) and a dysfunctional thyroid gland. Now he has a bump on his side and I'm not confident he'll make it this time. Not even sure we want to put him through big surgery again if the situation required it; or even that he could endure it. Spent time crying in the woods. Will visit the vet today, maybe get a biopsy and ask for opinions.

EDIT to add dog update - lipoma (fat bubble basically, we're told they can get huge, up to several kg on large dogs) or pus from a reaction to an insufficiently clean needle when administering antibiotics at home. Not a tumor. Dodged a bullet again. Dog with 9 lives :)
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