Hi Chris snow does not bother me we don't get much and when we do every one panics and they don't no how to plow the roads. my chickens hate snow only time they don't come out of their coop. ducks and geese love it. I hope you are feeling better and your cute kids. and don't feel bad about losing some chicken it happen I lost almost all my ducks some quail and a baby goose to raccoons . it was heart breaking. and this happen during daylight hours. keep positive . you can call me judy.
I've just been really depressed and I can hardly sleep at night.
I'm trying to overcome it, but it keeps coming back. I start feeling better and then everything goes back to where it was to start with.
To make things worse, my family isn't being that supportive. They think it's no big deal and I should just get over it. :(
Good thing I have God or I wouldn't be here.
I'm sorry to hear that Elly. :hugs
As I've recently mentioned, depression and I are no strangers. It is difficult when you don't feel like you have proper support. I'm not trying to make excuses for a lack of support, but it's also difficult to understand what another person is going through.

I do have the support of my immediate family, but most times they don't know whats going on in my head. Sometimes it's hard to even explain. Sometimes what's bothering me, just does not bother other people. One of the best things about being human, is that we are all different, but it can make relating to someone hard at times.
When my wife went through post pardon depression I just could not relate, nor will I ever be able to really. The best I could just be there for her. Somebody who had been in that situation could have likely been much more help than I could have ever been. Hopefully my wife felt the support, but I could understand if she did not.

Some of the thing I do to cope are to...
Meditate: There are many ways of doing this, so it would require a bit of research to find something that would fit your preferences, and lifestyle.

LOTS OF SUN: I mean hours upon hours of being outside. Breathing in the fresh O2, felling the warmth of the sun, and getting in tuned with nature. I look for mushrooms, and try to find the tiniest of flowers. Both of those are some of my favorite to take pictures of, and by actively searching for them, I'm keeping my mind to busy to worry about what's going on in life. I know this might not be the best season for that, but we are animals none the less. Although we live in shelters, we are just as much a part of nature as the birds that sing to us in the morning.

Hang out with my animals: Loki, our female dog is my Emotional Support Animal, officially (certified). Really though, her certificate means nothing. She's just my best friend who loves me no matter what I am going through. I know you're connected to your animals. Find that special one, the one who just brings you joy no matter what, and hug it. It might sound silly, but I talk to Loki all the time. She doesn't have much to say, but she's always willing to listen.

Stay busy: There is a saying you might be familiar with. "Devil finds work for idle hands'." Not long ago I mad a comment about "idle hands and all" and that is the phrase I was referring to. By keeping myself physically busy, I just do not have the time to sit and sulk. People depend on me, animals depend on me, and the general health of our family dynamic depends on me too. I need to be dependable, and it's far to easy to just shut down in times depression. I know our situations are different, but your animals and family needs you too. I know for a fact you play a very important role in the well being of your family. Your family may or may not express gratitude in manner that is to be understood, but they need you, and you are important. As a byproduct of staying physically busy, I also find that I sleep better. My body just doesn't have the "go juice" after a long day of working.

I wish you the best of luck, and if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, you know where to find me. :hugs
I'm sorry to hear that Elly. :hugs
As I've recently mentioned, depression and I are no strangers. It is difficult when you don't feel like you have proper support. I'm not trying to make excuses for a lack of support, but it's also difficult to understand what another person is going through.

I do have the support of my immediate family, but most times they don't know whats going on in my head. Sometimes it's hard to even explain. Sometimes what's bothering me, just does not bother other people. One of the best things about being human, is that we are all different, but it can make relating to someone hard at times.
When my wife went through post pardon depression I just could not relate, nor will I ever be able to really. The best I could just be there for her. Somebody who had been in that situation could have likely been much more help than I could have ever been. Hopefully my wife felt the support, but I could understand if she did not.

Some of the thing I do to cope are to...
Meditate: There are many ways of doing this, so it would require a bit of research to find something that would fit your preferences, and lifestyle.

LOTS OF SUN: I mean hours upon hours of being outside. Breathing in the fresh O2, felling the warmth of the sun, and getting in tuned with nature. I look for mushrooms, and try to find the tiniest of flowers. Both of those are some of my favorite to take pictures of, and by actively searching for them, I'm keeping my mind to busy to worry about what's going on in life. I know this might not be the best season for that, but we are animals none the less. Although we live in shelters, we are just as much a part of nature as the birds that sing to us in the morning.

Hang out with my animals: Loki, our female dog is my Emotional Support Animal, officially (certified). Really though, her certificate means nothing. She's just my best friend who loves me no matter what I am going through. I know you're connected to your animals. Find that special one, the one who just brings you joy no matter what, and hug it. It might sound silly, but I talk to Loki all the time. She doesn't have much to say, but she's always willing to listen.

Stay busy: There is a saying you might be familiar with. "Devil finds work for idle hands'." Not long ago I mad a comment about "idle hands and all" and that is the phrase I was referring to. By keeping myself physically busy, I just do not have the time to sit and sulk. People depend on me, animals depend on me, and the general health of our family dynamic depends on me too. I need to be dependable, and it's far to easy to just shut down in times depression. I know our situations are different, but your animals and family needs you too. I know for a fact you play a very important role in the well being of your family. Your family may or may not express gratitude in manner that is to be understood, but they need you, and you are important. As a byproduct of staying physically busy, I also find that I sleep better. My body just doesn't have the "go juice" after a long day of working.

I wish you the best of luck, and if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, you know where to find me. :hugs
:goodpost: And the same goes for both you of too. I am always here as well. :hugs
red pepper is thought to help prevent blackhead in turkeys, no studies have been done though... I add 1/4 cup to a gallon of feed.. I ferment the feed so it sticks to the feed. Helps keep the rodents and the dog out of the feed too.

I get it from https://www.webstaurantstore.com/regal-bulk-ground-cayenne-pepper-25-lb/102707846.html

For depression, along with sunshine and vitamin D.... I eat salmon and take fish oil
Patti you all are a little ahead of us this time for the cooler weather. We are 70 today but cool front moving in. We will be in 50s during day but 20s and 30s at night. Rain stops tonight so we should not have any ice or snow concerns. Hope you stay nice and warm Chris down there in FL.
Oh no we’re at 70 right now but wind is picking up so have a feeling what’s coming will move in fast. Well have naked trees once this is over.

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