However these two birds are spoiled rotten by their momma! Despite having a thick layer of straw, plenty of toys and two heat-pads in their pen on the patio they prefer to sleep on a dirty, bare mat in fronty of my bed.

They spent the first night in their pen - we arrived really late and they were tired like ducks, but when I tried to lock them in their pen on the second night chaos and mayhem erupted (pun intended!). The managed to escape the pen by kicking down the yoga mat and came running into my bedroom, screaming godzilla had just tried to eat them. - Went to the patio and there was no godzilla, though.

And they only eat humon food, favorite is Paprika-Gulasch with rice. Even meal-worm-soup with peas is being eaten only under protest. Prison-rations they call it! And they think pellets are bedding.
Thank you everybody for the good wishes. Belfast has received some high concentration CBD paste today. That was 8 hours ago. He's still kinda sleepy and definitely very relaxed... Might have overdone it a little :) but it's not wrong in his situation.

We're also having an extended summer, this is now the 3rd or 4th year in a row that September and October are very pleasant, warm and dry months. Works wonders for some crops and for people who are sensitive to winter depression (like me), seasonal affective disorder I think is its proper name - SAD, very appropriate.

The ducks are in molt but they are also still going strong with eggs, 6 eggs from 8 ducks is the daily average. I guess that's because they are so young and their pellets are so protein-rich. In any case they are doing really well. We are not extending daylight at all yet and probably will not.
I didn’t know the last day of Indian summer was on the calendar I’d always heard the term but never really paid much attention to it.
We need rain desperately our river is so low looks like the fish would have to swim on their sides to stay wet.
It's not on the calendar, it's more of an event. For the last week, we've had July-like weather but starting tomorrow it plummets to more seasonal. :(
However these two birds are spoiled rotten by their momma! Despite having a thick layer of straw, plenty of toys and two heat-pads in their pen on the patio they prefer to sleep on a dirty, bare mat in fronty of my bed.

They spent the first night in their pen - we arrived really late and they were tired like ducks, but when I tried to lock them in their pen on the second night chaos and mayhem erupted (pun intended!). The managed to escape the pen by kicking down the yoga mat and came running into my bedroom, screaming godzilla had just tried to eat them. - Went to the patio and there was no godzilla, though.

And they only eat humon food, favorite is Paprika-Gulasch with rice. Even meal-worm-soup with peas is being eaten only under protest. Prison-rations they call it! And they think pellets are bedding.
May I say... You reap what you sow??? You are way too forgiving as a duck parent! :lau
It's not on the calendar, it's more of an event. For the last week, we've had July-like weather but starting tomorrow it plummets to more seasonal. :(
We had mid 80's all week until Saturday and then the high will be in the mid 50's. Tomorrow is rain finally which we need but I have someone coming to help me get my duck pen dried out with new sand so that should be interesting. The young man says he knows what he is doing so I shall see, lol.
May I say... You reap what you sow??? You are way too forgiving as a duck parent! :lau
I reaped what i sow - i also reaped what the duckies sow, especially some Butternut Squash and silly tomatoes.
But I have not sown this! - That blame solely goes out to momma duck (aka wifie). She has petalized these two ducks and returned them here when the 💩 hit the fan - literally. That squirting sound wakes me out of my darkest dreams…
But i don't like traumatized ducks! Sure, i could just grab them and throw them to the others into the duck house in the evening, but the resulting fight would leave their sweet characters scarred for life.
Integration with the flock is a slow process. Sunday afternoon it was pool time for Chaos and Mayhem, sadly interrupted by Wallgreens the party pooper:

Why is this drake named »Walgreens«?
When he hatched he was so weak, he couldn't even hold his head and i was very worried that he wouldn't make it. I was home alone and nothing to drip drops of vitamin solution into the little bill, so i kept him in my right hand and drove to the nearest pharmacy to ask for a pipette or something similar. A bit hesitant (poulty and stores usually don't mix well!) i went inside and everybody loves the little duckling! The pharmacists handed me over a variety of syringes (without needles!) for free (‼) and after4 just two days of tlc the little duckling not only was able to hold his head, but had also learned to run, eat and drink. 💚
Sadly Walgreens has turned into a TouchMeNot drake, swearing like a pirate when i pick him up. I haven't sown that either…

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