Perhaps and operation to straighten his foot? Or amputation combined with a prosthetic? Neither would be cheap though...
I’m thinking amputation with a prosthetic because the foot is not correct the toes grow sideways out of the ankle so if the toes were removed, they wouldn’t trip him up so much, be like a peg leg pirate and a little prosthetic foot or boot could be attached to that but yeah, not able to afford that. would need a lot of help maybe a go fund me or something. but I’m really hoping as he grows he will walk better cause I’m doing all the things.. (extra b complex, swim therapy, walking practice, massages. ) need a miracle
I’m thinking amputation with a prosthetic because the foot is not correct the toes grow sideways out of the ankle so if the toes were removed, they wouldn’t trip him up so much, be like a peg leg pirate and a little prosthetic foot or boot could be attached to that but yeah, not able to afford that. would need a lot of help maybe a go fund me or something. but I’m really hoping as he grows he will walk better cause I’m doing all the things.. (extra b complex, swim therapy, walking practice, massages. ) need a miracle
Are you close to a veterinary school? Sometimes they will do surgeries etc for training purposes. The price would most likely be more reasonible.
Incubator round #2 progress:

Of the 9 remaining eggs, ALL seem in much better shape since I dropped humidity from originally 45% to 35% for several days. Also been cooling and spraying daily (since day 15 or so).

Air sacs large and we can see movement in every egg. Some (3) have air sacs which are not as fully white-transparent as with the other eggs, not sure what that means; still got movement.

Judging by round #1 and some friend's experiences we expect the ducklings to be probably a bit early, we started on April 30, so I'm thinking this weekend should bring us new ducklings.
Tomorrow is day 28 for the remaining eggs of the first group in the CCI. A couple of minutes ago the high temperature alarm rang for the first time, so the eggs have started to produce their own warmth.
when should i ( try to ) candle the duck eggs that are under my hen? around 7 days?
Candle as often as Momma Duck allows you to do so and your curiosity demands. Can't do anything wrong with peeking into the shells. You should be able to see development starting after just three days. After about two weeks the eggs will become opaque as the embryo is filling up more and more space. As long as there is a clearly defined air-bubble, everything should be fine. At the end of the fourth week you should be able to see movement in that ari-sack as the duckling is about to pip internally.
What do you refer to as »spraying«?
Using a gardening water spray bottle on the eggs, like these:


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