Are you close to a veterinary school? Sometimes they will do surgeries etc for training purposes. The price would most likely be more reasonible.
i will check . in the meantime, this video encouraged me ,by reminding me that when Frankie’s wings grow bigger he/she will be able to use them for balance and even to fly a little , so, yay!!!! walking is not their only option woohooo.
do you only spray eggs to humidify them when they’re in an incubator?? My duck eggs are under a broody chocolate Orpington hen. Will she keep them humid enough?

i will check . in the meantime, this video encouraged me ,by reminding me that when Frankie’s wings grow bigger he/she will be able to use them for balance and even to fly a little , so, yay!!!! walking is not their only option woohooo.
I think that Frankie will adjust to it's handicap just fine, especially since it was born that way. He sure is a cutie pie and I can surely see why you cannot put him through a very expensive surgery.
i will check . in the meantime, this video encouraged me ,by reminding me that when Frankie’s wings grow bigger he/she will be able to use them for balance and even to fly a little , so, yay!!!! walking is not their only option woohooo.
It’s amazing what they can adapt to. I have 2 ducks blind In one eye and I can watch them and how they have adapted to only being able to see out of one eye. It’s not causing problems walking but they have had to adapt.
I knew the Dux were up to something!
I knew it!

9 eggs in the machine ready to hatch any day now.
Heard peeping at night, was surprised to find no ducklings in the morning.
Found 5 eggs with attempts at breaking the (very hard) shells.
Made emergency holes (couple of mm just to let the air flow and encourage more attempts).
Ducklings peeping inside saying hello world.
Not trusting automatics to keep humidity really high (need extra now because of the holes) so we poured some water into the plain old side receptacle as well.

My avatar picture going strong.

This was inspiring:
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And here is the new setup for the first-generation ducklings.

For safety they are moved to the garage in their big wooden apple crate overnight.

They are now 4 weeks old, their wings have grown noticeably (not such penguins anymore), we can see the stems of the large feathers and their breasts are, we think, already feathered. Even the still-fluffy parts such as the back seem to be already waterproof when they use their little basin.

9 eggs in the machine ready to hatch any day now.
Heard peeping at night, was surprised to find no ducklings in the morning.
Found 5 eggs with attempts at breaking the (very hard) shells.
Made emergency holes (couple of mm just to let the air flow and encourage more attempts).
Ducklings peeping inside saying hello world.
Not trusting automatics to keep humidity really high (need extra now because of the holes) so we poured some water into the plain old side receptacle as well.

My avatar picture going strong.

This was inspiring:
9 eggs in the machine ready to hatch any day now.
Heard peeping at night, was surprised to find no ducklings in the morning.
Found 5 eggs with attempts at breaking the (very hard) shells.
Made emergency holes (couple of mm just to let the air flow and encourage more attempts).
Ducklings peeping inside saying hello world.
Not trusting automatics to keep humidity really high (need extra now because of the holes) so we poured some water into the plain old side receptacle as well.

My avatar picture going strong.

This was inspiring:
I am still in contact with the Loopeend, since she was ousted from here three years ago. - And i agree: If the duckling is crying for help and no longer making that eating motion with its bill, help it!

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