Trip to feed store leads to political arguement!

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There was a very misleading advertisement to this effect that was refuted by Jeep. I believe their Toledo Oh plant is adding 1100 jobs

The China connection came from a piece in Bloomberg News that stated that they will be opening a plant in China. (New manuf. not moved manuf.) -- It is the law in China that companies must hire Chinese workers and Partner with Chinese companies.

I think that as citizens - regardless of which party - we need to hold our politicians to telling the truth to the American People.

ETA - Just to add--- the entire rust-belt has been hit very hard in the last decades...the auto industry reach goes far beyond the automakers with a huge ripple effect thoughout the entire mid-west and great lakes region.

I think you may want to go look at the so called "misleading advertisement". The add truthfully said that jeep is going to open a plant in China. And building a plant in China will let the companies get around this:

And once they have the plant up and running in China then how many will be imported to China from here ? They buy about $4 billion a year in Jeeps and parts now.

Oh here is the add. please point out the misleading part for me.

Here is Jeep's response:

#1. Only Fiat stepped up to offer to buy Chrysler out of Bankruptcy - there wasn't sadly any USA company there at the time, and at that time credit was very tight in the USA.
#2. The CEO of the company refutes the ad.

ETA whoops, sorry I just put the link there and didn't realize that the writer had used a humorous Italian phrase to make it seem funny. The letter from the CEO is not disrespectful at all.

Just read your Blaze link....perhaps you linked before the update. Did you read the end? Quotes.

But what do you think the ad is trying to say?
Bottom Line: Without providing the full context of Fiat’s China talks, the Romney ad offers an incomplete picture of Jeep’s situation and is therefore misleading. Now we’re not sure if it quite rises to the level of O. J. Simpson “f-you dishonesty” or whether it’s as dishonest as accusing someone of killing a steelworker’s wife with cancer, but it’s misleading nonetheless.
Follow Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) on Twitter

This story has been updated.

So the writer does criticize both parties for misleading advertisements...... However, seems to me he concludes that the ad is 'misleading' as I had stated.
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Here is Jeep's response:

#1. Only Fiat stepped up to offer to buy Chrysler out of Bankruptcy - there wasn't sadly any USA company there at the time, and at that time credit was very tight in the USA.
#2. The CEO of the company refutes the ad.

ETA whoops, sorry I just put the link there and didn't realize that the writer had used a humorous Italian phrase to make it seem funny. The letter from the CEO is not disrespectful at all.

So from your link their planing on opening a plant in China just like the add said. So please point out the misleading part of the add.
Do you think they will still import jeeps from here to China once the plant is opened in China ?

The writer identifies nothing. Just saying something is misleading doesn't make it misleading. Did you look at the add ?

Yes, --- so you don't find it misleading, but numerous other sources and people do.

It is interessting to take the pinnocchios quiz to see many misleading statements during this election cycle. So, the Washington Post, the CEO of the company..... all say it is misleading but you don't.

Isn't this a great country, where everyone can draw his or her own conclusions..... On this one, I'm with the CEO and WP---- so we can agree to disagree....
I don't remember which Bush it was, but I do know who I was working for at the time the Dayton Firestone/Bridgestone plant shut down and moved overseas! And I remember who was in office at that time too! BUSH! I also remember how many people lost their jobs because of it! But to my knowledge and since I don't work in the industry anymore, it may have changed since then, Firestone/Bridgestone farm tires are still manufactured in the USA! If memory has not failed me I believe they are made in Illinois.
And on the Jeep stuff they said that they are hiring and they are here to stay!
Oh and in Marysville Ohio they manufacture Honda Civics and they stay here in the USA.
Here is Jeep's response:

#1. Only Fiat stepped up to offer to buy Chrysler out of Bankruptcy - there wasn't sadly any USA company there at the time, and at that time credit was very tight in the USA.
#2. The CEO of the company refutes the ad.

ETA whoops, sorry I just put the link there and didn't realize that the writer had used a humorous Italian phrase to make it seem funny. The letter from the CEO is not disrespectful at all.

Just read your Blaze link....perhaps you linked before the update. Did you read the end? Quotes.

But what do you think the ad is trying to say?
Bottom Line: Without providing the full context of Fiat’s China talks, the Romney ad offers an incomplete picture of Jeep’s situation and is therefore misleading. Now we’re not sure if it quite rises to the level of O. J. Simpson “f-you dishonesty” or whether it’s as dishonest as accusing someone of killing a steelworker’s wife with cancer, but it’s misleading nonetheless.
Follow Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) on Twitter

This story has been updated.

So the writer does criticize both parties for misleading advertisements...... However, seems to me he concludes that the ad is 'misleading' as I had stated.
Well Jeep has said their going to make Jeeps in China and the add said Jeep will make Jeeps in China. And that's misleading. So any add that states facts is misleading to you because someone told you it was misleading ?
I did read the writers opinion and as I said just because he said it was misleading doesn't make it misleading.

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