What’s wrong with my ducks’ feet?

My ducks had something similiar thats was caused by an infection. If it is the same, there are things youcan do to help like they posted above. But if it doesnt get better, try the vet if you can. My male pekin looked similiar to that along with bumblefoot. The infection deeveloped really quickly in him compared to the others and infection got into his bones. He didnt survive it. My suggestion is like theirs above, but id feele for a fevered foot, one thats hotter then it should be, thats about when id take them to the vet.
The foot wasn’t hot, and thank you for telling me about this.
Okay, I put them in the bath, waited 25/30 minutes, and have just taken them out. I checked the bottoms of their feet, and all of their feet, except Dragon’s, look normal. I think she might’ve stepped over some barbed wire somewhere along the fence, but that wouldn't have hurt the top of her foot, and the top injury is round, not a line.

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