What did you do in the garden today?

I planted some sweet william, foxgloves, hollyhocks and cleome seed in containers winter sowing style yesterday. I have a couple more things I want to start this way and have the containers ready.

I also have some vinca, 3 colors of petunias, cabbage, cayenne and bell pepper, a couple tomato seeds started under lights inside. I'll be starting more tomatoes in a week or so.

Nice to play in the dirt!
The gardens are still covered with snow and ice, although it's melting slowly. I went through my seed collection and organized them a bit and there were only a few packets that needed to be tossed. With what I've purchased in the past few weeks I only need just a few things. I'll be planting potatoes again so I'll need to buy those and more lavender seeds as well.The temperatures are above freezing during the day for now and no appreciable precipitation in the 10 day forecast so I'm hoping to be able to do a little work in the garden in a few days. I need to replace the plastic garden fence that I used when I expanded my big garden area. I have T posts and 2 x 4 inch wire on hand to do that. In the future, when planning on planting a lot of beans and peas I think it might be more economical to skip the little packets and go for buying them by the pound. Since bean seeds last for a couple of years, this makes better sense to me.
In the future, when planning on planting a lot of beans and peas I think it might be more economical to skip the little packets and go for buying them by the pound. Since bean seeds last for a couple of years, this makes better sense to me.
I agree. When you find certain varieties do well for you and plant them every year, it is cheaper to buy larger amounts. Those little packets get expensive if you need a bunch. You know you can save most bean seeds from your crop to use as seed the following year too. I've been doing this with a butter bean for years now. I noticed that variety is hard to find now. Glad I started saving those!

There is a small mom and pop hardware here that sells garden seed by the scoop. They are much cheaper than most catalogs. I get some things from them. I have found some catalogs offer larger amounts too. I store the extras in the refrigerator. Most will keep a few years at least. Some will keep much longer if stored well.
I will have to catch up later, been a busy week. Surgery went well, the permanent implant is a go on 3/1. It was fantastic to have a couple almost pain free days & I look very forward to being able to garden again this year!

I got lots of seeds in, melon seeds 🥳 (first real try at melon), my parthenocarpic cucumbers & squash arrived with a free packet of sunflower seeds & a type of cherry tomato. I also got some borage & nasturtium. I enjoyed the wildflowers last year, but I might try & keep it a little more under control this year, lol. I have lettuce going in the aerogarden now.

DH got a bunch of packets of ridiculously hot pepper seeds for his birthday - I hadn't planned on starting any seeds this year, but I will now. Those will all go in their own greenstalk. I have 4 greenstalks now, one for peppers, one for strawberries, one for onions & I think I will get another one for misc stuff, I want to try edamame & celery for the first time & maybe some flowers for the pollinators. I'm also going to attempt to make my own potting soil for them with my compost. :fl

Garden plans are coming together - just need some real cold to kill of the bad bugs & some snow for nitrogen & I'd be in good shape! I think the wildflowers are still alive - wasn't expecting to have to clean them out, thought we'd have a winter. 🙄
Got a couple of sprouts (broccoli & cauliflower).... It's been 3 days maybe since I sowed them? 👏

I also THINK I might have a sprout from the 7+ year old onion seeds! It almost looks like a sprout but I'm going to give it a few days to be sure...

I also decided to try to sprout some Sugar Bee Apple seeds from a store bought apple. Not expecting much because I know a lot of those are treated to prevent germination but I figured wth....
Now we have Covid. 🤣 I’m pretty sure the 5 month old brought it home from daycare 😞. I tried to convince my daughter not to send him until he is over a year old. But she and her husband get to make the decisions. He only goes 2 days a week.
He tested positive a week ago today. My daughter tested positive yesterday and I tested positive today. I’m pretty sure her mother-in-law has it too. She just hasn’t tested. But when you watch a baby that young that drools and coughs/sneezes, I don’t think it matters how often you wash your hands.
The good news is that the baby seems to be pretty much over it. And I’m sure the rest of us will get better too.

He doesn’t look sick. 🥰
I hope you all are doing well.

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