What is y'all's favorite chews to give your dogs?

What is your favorite chew for your dogs?

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@Chickengirl2671 I just wanted to thank you for making this thread. I hadn't heard of some of these chews before this. I found beef cheek rolls and collagen rolls at a local pet store and gave them to my dogs last night. So far so good!! No one has diarrhea and they finally have a something "real" to chew on. 😌 Dorie is currently trying to bury hers to hide it from Luna. :gig
By the way, the collagen roll is incredibly durable. My pit mix can crack bones in half but she barely made a dent in the collagen after an hour of chewing.
We do kongs and rawhides. It just depends on the mood they're in which they like. 😆 They've never shown a ton of interest in bones or nylabones. Actually, they also don't really chew the kongs, just bounce them around and case them.
I don’t know, I tried when she was a puppy but she preferred my pens and socks. This a good thread for those dogs who do love chewing bones, though! I’ll move on to the chicken maintenance thread :)!
By the way, the collagen roll is incredibly durable. My pit mix can crack bones in half but she barely made a dent in the collagen after an hour of chewing.
Costs less than a Nylabone this size.

My dog is not interested in chewing bones. None of my dogs have liked it. I wonder why?
Not all dogs are chewers. Just like not all dogs want to fetch. I can barely get mine interested in toys for the most part, so anything they'll play with even for 30 seconds a day I buy again and again.
Not all dogs are chewers. Just like not all dogs want to fetch. I can barely get mine interested in toys for the most part, so anything they'll play with even for 30 seconds a day I buy again and again.
Yeah, and I had a dog that was not interested in soft and rope toys, only bones and sticks.
Yeah, and I had a dog that was not interested in soft and rope toys, only bones and sticks.
Of my current trio, only one chews in the morning (so a 3 pack of bacon flavor nylabones lasts over a year) and she also likes to tug-o-war with Kong plushies (so I keep a variety of those around, she doesn't want any of the other plushies). Another dog will fetch but with limited enthusiasm (and occasionally brings us a Kong plushie but just drops it off and leaves), so we have a few tennis balls outside. And... that's it. Coach potatoes, all of them.

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