What WON'T your chickens eat?

Cucumbers! Like why?! Why do you hate cucumbers so much?? We had at least 4 or 5 volunteer plants pop up in our one garden this year that I marked as "chicken treats", which backfired, so now we have entirely too many pickles lol
I have never had any chickens that cared for cucumbers. Reminds me of my Grandpa Shook who wouldn't eat them either. I recall him stating that, "why would you eat something that even hogs and chickens wouldn't eat".
My chickens won’t eat scratch or cereal (Cheerios, life, corn flakes, etc). But they’ll break land speed records to get to a nice fresh pool noodle.

The quail pitch fits if I give them high protein quail chow. I have to mix it with chicken lay crumbles or they just glare at me. They’ll eat everything else.... oh, except pumpkin when I want to put them in the poultry pumpkin eating photo contest.
I'm no longer surprised with what chickens will eat, mine have eaten (with great relish) the usual oddities, lizards, bees, drywall, Styrofoam etc... now, I'm surprised with what they refuse to eat!
Green grapes (but red or purple are ok)
Bell peppers
And various other things I would consider to be A+ chicken chow.
They just stand in it and look disgusted.
What won't your chickens eat?
Pears. Cooked peas. Squash seeds/innards.
mine dont like carrots they usually pick around those .. and theres a few bugs they wont eat here in FL - those big yellow grasshoppers, true palmetto bugs, the large walking sticks, most 'fuzzy' caterpillars, and theres a couple of others that i guess have an odor for defenses which they avoid ..
Mine aren't enthusiastic about carrots, but I poke around few holes in them (for 3-4 carrots) and microwave them for a few minutes, they soften up like a sweet potato, they love them then!

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