Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi folks,

(did TerriO get a time out?)

No use for skunks here, I will send mine to those that requested

thanks Joe, I knew about Klubertanz,,,dealt with them for years (rabbit stuff) shipping is a drawback when getting a roll of hardware cloth,,,I do have them on my list to call though,,,maybe they will ship Speedy Delivery always my first request when ordering from anyone in their territory
JVS: Cute birds-are they really cream colored or is it just the pic?

BBP: Congrats on the 2nd hatch. Are you going to help the 3rd one out? I almost always had to when I incubated RIng Neck Parrots....had a box built with a hole it the bottom that I mounted a light to so I could see the blood veins when assisting and hit them. Cant wait to see more pics.

Tonight for the first time found two hens in their nestboxes-guess I have some broodys. And guess what BBP? One is your darling Deliliah! (Deliliah is this beatiful Dorking x Iowa Blue mix=gorgous blk and white markings that I got from BBP) LOL No surprise huh? So I put 9 eggs into my coat pocket...then gently put the hens on the roost....Deliliah kept going back even though the eggs were gone...Finally got her settled-I reach into my pocket and YEP! First broken (Warm) egg in my pocket all over the other 5-yuck! Going to feed the other 5 eggs back to them in the morning rather than trying to clean them well.

So questions for you all-if I wait and collect eggs when I get home at night-say 7 ish-and a hens been sitting on them all day-can they still be eaten? What about summer when its 90 out-can they still be collected in the evenings and be ok?

Also, if a hen is in a nestbox at night-is it always due to being broody or could it be a sign of being egg bound? How does a hen act if egg bound? What behaviors does a broody hen exhibit? I noticed Deliliahs been a little bit of a loner lately and not as active.
Interesting the different views on skunks! For me I really have no time for them, coon, possum, and feral cats! Unfortunately for these animals there are other animals higher up on my hiearchy that I value more, and it always comes down to some kind of fowl!

1 drop of skunk essence smells as bad as 50 gallons!
Man oh man, I always get on BYC and end up spending so much time in the Duck and Genetics sections that I don't have time to come post here! And then when I do get around to it, there's 30 pages for me to read to catch up!

I had a major lapse in judgment and self-control last night and set 25 eggs in my Brinsea.
I'm justifying it by telling myself that I needed to do a fertility test anyways, and besides - it's only one of the little plastic incubators. We're not in trouble until I fire up the big cabinet!
So, there's 5 Call duck, 5 Cochin, and 15 Hookbill (some pure Dusky, some from my Magpie HB project) eggs cooking in there. No idea what I'm going to do when we move in 2 weeks...I think I'll leave the incubator in Baraboo until the Cochin eggs are ready to hatch, move them into the other Brinsea to hatch, and then take the incubator full of duck eggs to the new house before they hatch.
It's a pretty easy drive, and I've had duck eggs survive 24-hour long power outages in that incubator, so I don't think moving the 'bator will cause too much harm.

BL4 - Any Call eggs yet? My 2-year olds started laying a little over a week ago, and last year's females just started laying in the past 2 days. I got the coolest BLACK egg from my Black Bibbed call duck today, but it was cracked.
Not that there's a drake in with her right now anyways, it was just such a neat egg! Never had black ducks before, and I've never seen a grey/black egg in person!

My new Magpie Calls shipped TODAY and should be here tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm sooo excited! They're from Foley's lines - I've been trying to get Magpies from Foley's for 2 years now, so this is the next best thing!

The contractor started renovations on the new house today - completely gutted the main-floor bathroom, took out a whole wall in the kitchen, built an access to the attic, and prepped for some new framework in our master bath! We'll be there all day tomorrow while the new duct-work is put in... I'm starting to actually believe it'll be finished by the time we move in!

BF4 - I loooove your house and all those buildings!
The ONLY thing I don't like about our new house is that there's no outbuildings (well, none to speak of - there's remnants of buildings that need to be bulldozed!) I'm still not sure where I'm going to put all the birds once we move them to the new property. With all the construction going on and broken bits of glass and nails and insulation everywhere, I'm going to have to keep almost everyone in raised pens full-time for awhile...
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I really didn't want to attach to this post, but I logged out and came back and just can't shake it off.

anyhoo.. chickens often like to sleep in the nest boxes..doesn't mean that they are broody..

they almost always face outward so they crap in the nest.. not a good thing..

you can wash the unbroken eggs and use them as normal.. why not ?

one day or two of sitting on an egg does not make it unfit for consumption .. at any temp outside..

the Delawares are white with just a few black feathers , mostly on their tails..

marlene told me today that a guy was selling day old chicks for $5/each..

ETA: why do people on byc worry so much about eggbound chickens? It is soooooo rare that I never even think about it.. I never had a chicken eggbound in all my years..
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Just came back to say Night!

I've been getting busier than I should be last few nights! I wanted to crash earlier so I could get up and clean the coop... like I've been trying to do for over a month! At least the smell isn't as bad as it was.

Night All!

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