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  1. BoogieBird

    Drunk walker cockerel?!?

    Wow, thanks! After a little bit of reading I believe he has the Dyschondroplasia but am trying to supplement the D3 just in case. I really appreciate your help!
  2. BoogieBird

    BBS-Black English Orpington pullet (Denver, CO)

    My daughter loves to hatch and hand-raise her chicks! Her current project involves English Orpingtons. She is trying to sell some to raise money for her dream: to own a horse. She has: 1 100% English BBS (LF) - 1 Black pullet - 14 weeks vaccinated, from a NPIP certified farm in Ohio. OMG they...
  3. BoogieBird


    We are headed this direction soon...probably an Appaloosa for my 10y obsessed kiddo!
  4. BoogieBird

    When your chickens are actually tiny dinosaurs.

    Pretty crazy! We had one eat a nasty, moldy, flat, decomposing whole mouse when we lifted up a bucket in the yard and FrEaKeD out!:th
  5. BoogieBird

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Started with 3-5 per day out of 8 chix (2 are geriatric but are the original starter flock so gotta keep them) but had to let go of 2 very vocal ladies. Down to 2-3/day. THEN the broodiness hit and down to 1-2. :rolleyes: We have plenty of pullets coming up for the fall...can't wait!
  6. BoogieBird

    Possible Mites or Lice

    I have used garden grade DE as well with great success...doesn't hurt either way!
  7. BoogieBird

    Hello from Colorado!!!

    Hi there, welcome! I'm pretty new too. While we have had chickens for a few years - I'm just now getting up to speed on my local / online resources :) Broodiness abounds here in our Denver backyard! Been able to hatch away but now need a break! Literally!
  8. BoogieBird

    Colorado Springs Colorado

    I've been a looky-loo over the last few years and am just now getting into this full force! Thought I would post here since CS is not that far away... My daughter loves to hatch and hand-raise her chicks! Her current project involves English Orpingtons that are 11wks. She is trying to sell...
  9. BoogieBird


    I've been a looky-loo over the last few years and am just now getting into this full force! My daughter loves to hatch and hand-raise her chicks! Her current project involves English Orpingtons that are 11wks. She is trying to sell some to raise money for her dream: to own a horse. She has: 4...
  10. BoogieBird

    Drunk walker cockerel?!?

    Whoops, let's try this again. Apparently videos are more complicated than I thought.
  11. BoogieBird

    When can chicks go off medicated feed?

    I've done both and all have turned out pretty darn good. I had a local chicken-keeper recommend non-medicated. Whatever you feel is right!
  12. BoogieBird

    Drunk walker cockerel?!?

    Here is a video I just got. I was under the impression the breeder sent me an older chick, 10d or so.
  13. BoogieBird

    How to STOP broodiness?

    Thanks so much!
  14. BoogieBird

    *Chocolate Orpington Thread*

    These are the sweetest little things ever! My kiddo decided she wanted to hand raise Lavenders and I saw the Chocolates and thought we should have them too. We got them from an NPIP farm in Ohio, shipped live. They are UK line (in-between Bantam and LF) One rooster out of 5 chicks and hoping to...
  15. BoogieBird

    How to STOP broodiness?

    We are going on 5 years of keeping chickens, which started out as a joke for my daughter. Who knew we would love it so much?!? Anyway, back to the topic at hand: This little girl loves to hatch and raise her chicks! In the past, she has had enough broody girls and supply of fertilized eggs from...
  16. BoogieBird

    Best base material for runs

    This is great B-Goock! Definitely can plant the good stuff for the girls. Mr. Man in my house is building me cages/cold frames (to keep the dagnab squirrels out) but they will work too for them. Thank you!
  17. BoogieBird

    Designed our first coop

    Yay, looks great! We are planning on doing a very large walk-in when the fundage comes through.
  18. BoogieBird

    storage ideas, see if they can save you some. They will also be able to sell you the basic stuff to clean them and it's pretty cheap in decent quantities. *BE SURE TO CLEAN THEM OUT FIRST* by filling them with acidic water (pH less than 6.0 which will cause the chlorine to oxidize and break...
  19. BoogieBird

    Predator guard dog?

    I thought I would just poll y'all to see what your thoughts are on recommended dog breeds for protecting the animals from predators. (We are beginning with chickens and goats and will add horses soon). We are moving to an 80-acre ranch in CO later this summer and I have been told the coyotes are...
  20. BoogieBird

    HELP!!!!!! Chickens with LICE

    I have used the garden grade DE powder with great results, we try to be as chemical free as possible; however, do what you feel is best!
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