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  1. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    I love Kirby's big fluffy tail! So pretty :love Thank you :hugs I have a few more, so I'll try to remember to share. You guys are so fun with Caturday and chicken tax and koffee klatch Wednesday(I think?). I love it!
  2. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    May I join? Not Caturday here, either. 2hrs to go :) This is Kinney, our shop cat.
  3. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Just like that! How lucky for the human that is chosen ❤️
  4. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Oh wow, that's amazing! It's funny how a certain animal finds the right person and it's an instant connection. What a lovely thing :love
  5. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Oh, poor girl :(
  6. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Best of luck on your new adventure. I'll bet it'll feel like a breath of fresh air. It's hard on the soul to be stifled by your environment. Kudos to you for making a change.
  7. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    She is just the cutest, Ribh :love
  8. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Hello, Shadrach! I know I've missed very much of your saga, but will you try and get back to Spain? I've been wondering about you and hoping that you are well. I have much empathy for you and the physical loss of your chickens. How nice that your sister had some of her own that could help soften...
  9. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    I do remember that, Alex :) Good morning to you :highfive:
  10. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Wow. What kind of tree do you have there, Bob? It's so pretty!
  11. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    The only good thing about flights in and out of Montana. There's hardly anyone on the flights:p Of course, that means you basically can get a direct flight to any where. Do you travel for work?
  12. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    That view is something else! Jungle paradise :love Is that the ocean? Meant to ask on the last post - What is an air plant?
  13. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    The warning sure helps :lol: Oh, no! Yikes. Cat claws are so sharp. I'm hoping it's the smaller of the two? I think I'm remembering your picture right... Smaller gray one and a big fluffy one? You gotta love when you get the timing right!
  14. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Hey, Rene! :frow A day late and a dollar short :oops: I did get a good picture of the (now) 2 babes she has. Another was half zipped and I could hear one cheeping in the shell. We'll see what she has when I get home! She's looking a bit pale/anemic to me. Need to do a bug check :hmm She's...
  15. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Thank you, Ribh :hugs I fear those gals wouldn't care for the snow much, then. They are so darn cute. Do you get startled when Olivia takes a flying flapping leap at you?? Maybe she's more graceful than I imagine her to be? :lau That reminds me. My husband and I were standing out by our bar...
  16. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Thanks, Bob! I'll tell her you said so 🤗 can't wait to see how many she'll have!
  17. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Good afternoon, all :frow Funny. A page or two before this I realized your profile picture was Olivia on a shoulder. And then here she is again! She's a shoulder chicken! How cute is that :love I love the wee ones snuggled up in a corner. And names for (most of) the vorwerks! If I ever come...
  18. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    ...hope that no one judged me too harshly for running away screaming like a little girl :oops: To be completely honest, I've done the latter with a garter snake that was *maybe* a foot the super-lady bit is doubtful. :gigIn my defense I wasn't really screaming...more of a squee-ing haha.
  19. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Oh my goodness! I'm so glad everyone is okay. What a scary situation for you and your girls :hugs Nice work, snake-wrangler! :highfive: Happy to hear your husband was able to help. I'm terrified of snakes. You guys are chicken saving heroes :bow
  20. Meg-in-MT

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    So sun-shiney and green, there! Lovely 🤗
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