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  1. lovesduckies

    Happy Hatchday!

    Today is Duckie's 3rd Hatchday! Duckie at about 2 or 3 weeks Duckie today
  2. lovesduckies

    Hello Duck People!!

    It seems like it has been years since I've posted anything!! A lot has happened!! Duckie made me a grandma again 10 weeks ago!! So I have 11 Muscovies right now. LOL. If you know anyone interested in buying some in the so cal area please let me know. How are all of you and your ducks doing...
  3. lovesduckies

    Muscovy Ducks for sale!!!

    Hello BYCers, I have some 10 week old muscovies for sale if you are interested. They are black and black and white. They are kind of shy, but I am sure they will warm up to you if you wish. I have 3 drakes and 4 hens. I am selling the drakes for $25 and the hens for $20. Please let me know if...
  4. lovesduckies

    I met Burt Ward today!!!!!

    Okay normally I'm not all into celebs and stuff nor do I really care to meet them (though I would love to meet Robert Pattinson <3 hahaha). But I grew up watching the old Batman Series (the ones from 1966-68). I learned how to read from them and Basically fell in love with the Dynamic Duo then...
  5. lovesduckies


    Is anyone else having a hard time finding a job or is it just my hubby and I? We've been looking for ages with no luck. I want to kick out roommates out!!! I'm tired of them!!!!! :/
  6. lovesduckies


    So this past Monday was my birthday!! It was the first birthday with my hubby and he made it special!!! We went to lunch with my mom and friend since kindergarden then went shopping. After that he took me to olive garden where all of our friends where for a surprise dinner!!! It was an awesome...
  7. lovesduckies

    Advice needed please!!

    I have a Muscovy drake who is usually as sweet as pie that is acting up. I don't know what to do. Here is some back story on how he was raised... Him and his mate Quackers were raised in my bedroom together for seven months. Every night they went to sleep in a child's play pen. Quackers hatched...
  8. lovesduckies

    Ducky Pictures!!!

    I was at my moms yesterday cuz I had to take pictures of her house for her insurance so I snapped pictures of the ducks too. He would have been able to come out, but he is still in trouble. I guess he's being better but we shall see after a few experiments. I still love him though!! Just...
  9. lovesduckies

    My sweet little foot....

    So I h e a handiquacked mallard named Little Foot who I think I'd also partly blind. She has her sister named Fruitloops and her peon friends Petunia and Aflac with her. Someone has been laying eggs in a corner so I decided to let them keep them so they have something to do. Well on Christmas I...
  10. lovesduckies

    why me!?

    Ugh why do people feel the need to hit my car all the dang time!? I know they don't mean to but dang my car is an accident magnet!!!! And the best part, they are never my fault!!!! A few years ago I was rear ended on my way to work. A few weeks later I was hit again when I was parked at a...
  11. lovesduckies

    Silly girl

    Lately when I've been cleaning my pekins/mallards big pool I have found eggs in it LOL. Petunia my silly Peking princess gets stuck in the pool and lays eggs in it LOL. Aflac my drake can't e en get in the pool cuz he doesn't know how to use the step and he's too fat so it's funny to watch him...
  12. lovesduckies

    People amaze me.. Update

    I am doing a debate on humazing animals in my animal science class and you wouldn't believe the stuff I have found!!! People dying their pets fur!! Tattooing their pets!!! Leaving inheritance for pets!!! What the heck is wrong with people!? Don't get me wrong I LOOOOVE animals which is why I'm...
  13. lovesduckies


    So this year is my first year I've ever had to buy a significant other a present. I've had a boyfriend once on Christmas but I didnt get him anything because he probably would have traded it for drugs Now I'm married for almost 4 months and I have no idea what to get my hubby for Christmas. I...
  14. lovesduckies

    What the heck.

    Mt drake has being such a jerk!!! He's not molting anymore! Idk what his problem is but normally he's a perfect sweetie pie!! I cleaned his pool on Friday.... Well I tried.... I ended up having to sit on him with his bill closed because he was trying to attack my dad and I. He never does that...
  15. lovesduckies

    Is t because I'm married now!?

    Has anyone else discovered who your true friends are after you get married or is it just me? Is it an age thing? A maturity thing? I'm not sure. I have noticed a friend of mine and someone who is supposed to be my best friend isn't so friendly anymore. I talked to Debi about it yesterday and I'm...
  16. lovesduckies

    what a bad duck!

    So Duckie is molting and he usually turns into a jerk then and yeah he is bad this time. He tried attacking his daddy again on Friday!! Then yesterday after i fed him he tried attacking me!! luckily the door was in the way and he hit it. Talk about a bird brain. But I'm sure glad the door was...
  17. lovesduckies

    do i dare ask??

    Anyone going to see breaking dawn tonight?
  18. lovesduckies

    updated pictures of my bubba boy!!

    Hey all. It's been awhile since I posted some pictures of Duckie. He molted and has more white in his feathering. I went to my mom and dad's today (I got married and moved out.. I had to leave my precious boy there ) so I took some pictures. They aren't the best pictures because I was in a bit...
  19. lovesduckies


    does anyone know what's going on with that muscovy ban if they are still doing it? i might write a paper on the topic. thanks
  20. lovesduckies

    homework help please

    Hey BYCers! it's been awhile since i've posted here hope all is well with everyone!! I need a bit of help. I know we are all animal lovers here!!! I have a paper due for my Animal Science class due on Thursday. (i do my best work under pressure) The paper has to be an argument on a...
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