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  1. luckyduck

    The New Duckies

    The New Duckies Hatched from our own eggs in a home made incubator on Sat Jan 23-10 2010-01-29
  2. luckyduck

    New Duckies Week 2

    Week Two Duckies 5 and 6 hatching jan 29 One day later, #'s 5 and 6 are integrated in the brooder with the 4 bigger ones. They are eating and drinking, being taught by their older(One week) bros and sisters closer look, aren't they the cutest things! 8 days old, and pooping on John! Two...
  3. luckyduck

    About Us 2

    ABOUT US at LUCKY DUCK RANCH .. John and Liisa the dogs, Jet and Ruby and Nesko our pekins...
  4. luckyduck

    Setting eggs on May 24th! Come hatch with me!!!! Second hatch ever!

    Sure, I'm in. Just set our 5th hatch in still air bator on May 26. A mix of australorps, americaunas, RIR's and Isa Brown from our own flock. Hope I've learned some lessons and have a better hatch this time.
  5. luckyduck

    MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: What kind of incubator are you using? I have a Brinsea Octogon 20 ECO and, even in school where the temps fluctuate a lot, we did very well with a hatche 12/12. The other teacher across the hall is using one of those styrofoam Hovabators, and after candling almost half of the eggs...
  6. luckyduck

    MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Another unsuccessful hatch. 3 chicks doing fine after hatching on day 23. Still leaving eggs in incubator another day. We think the temp in our house varies too much. We tried the dry hatch method this time. Oh well, we have our own eggs and will keep trying. So far we have hatched out 19 chicks...
  7. luckyduck

    Setting eggs again, question on what end and air end

    Hmm. when we candled the air sacs weren't always on the big end. What to do? Place them so air sac up top regardless ? Will the air sac move if placed back big side up? That sounds like a stupid question.. i wouldn't think an air sac can move. Does it?
  8. luckyduck

    Tonight, May 16, is lockdown. We are hatching!!!

    Quote: We are locked down for may 18 hatch. 24 out of 42 look viable. Doing the dry hatch method, humidity now at 70. Hope we have better luck on this 4th hatch. problems before with faulty thermoeter in hovabator and no instructions given for temps in still air bator.
  9. luckyduck

    MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Candled eggs again because one was cracked and smelling.. out of 31 , 24 seem ok. Lockdown this friday for may 18 hatch.
  10. luckyduck

    MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    31 out of 42 fertile and due may 18.. doing the dry hatch method,, humidity staying between 42 and 45 without added water. Here's hoping this 4th hatch is a better one. New things to learn all the time.
  11. luckyduck

    Need some assistance plz!!!

    Hi, I've raised 15 pekin ducklings that we hatched in an incubator. I gave them duck starter for the first few weeks. They just love any greens(spinach, kale, dandelions peas etc) chopped up fine in a bowl of water, or in the bath tub. I gave them warm baths after the first week.. not too deep...
  12. luckyduck

    they run away every time....grrrr

    I'll try peas too.. it was so disappointing, after I helped them hatch, raised them so lovingly in the house, gave them baths in the tub every day, cuddled them a lot... once they moved to the outside coops, they acted freaked out whenever I went near them, running away as fast as they could...
  13. luckyduck

    MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    We're in too, for the 4th time.. hope we have better luck. We are doing the dry hatch this time, as our home humidity level here in rainforest vancouver island is already high. We have 16 chicks growing from 3 past hatches, but lost lots apparently due to too high humidity. we are using our own...
  14. luckyduck

    Mixing ducks and chickens

    I have 2 young pekins that have shared night quarters with 4 young chickens since they were really small (our own hatches).. they follow each other around all day and actually call each other and seem anxious if they are not together. Of course the ducks quickly outgrew the chicks but they are...
  15. luckyduck

    Anyone having bad hatches this year?

    Hatch #3 happening now. So far 5 came a day after due date, one pipped but must have got turned around.. it was dead. Today another hatched with just a little help. We put in 42 eggs in hovabator.. after candling, there were 21. Lat hatch we ended up with 6, 4 the time before. Nothing to lose...
  16. luckyduck

    Including your new babies - how many chickens do you have?

    we have 48 isa browns, a pair of purebred australorps, one americauna, one dark brown unknown variety hen, 2 other roosters.. very handsome, 4 "mutts' that we hatched 4 weeks ago, 6 cochins and buff brahma chicks that we just hatched out 3 days ago from eggs from a neighbour farmer, and 15...
  17. luckyduck

    Set my very first eggs today (due March 24th) - need a hatching buddy!

    Quote: We got a new Hovabator, put in 42 eggs and followed directions. Our first chick hatch, tho we successfully hatched 15 pekin ducks in our home made 'bator. However, the humidity meter didn't function right and gave us a wrong reading, so we added more water to increase humidity as the...
  18. luckyduck

    Anyone out there watching chicks hatch right now?

    We have 28 due tonight.. not much sleep expected as the incubator is on the night table. And they sure can make a racket when they first come out and flop around all over the other eggs!
  19. luckyduck

    Is this how the wing feathers should look?

    I have some "mutts" 2 weeks old now from our isa brown hens and australorp rooster.. i was wondering too about the wing size.. which seems huge for a small chick.
  20. luckyduck

    We live on a lake- Bad or Good idea for ducks?

    Quote: We let our pekins(3 adults, 13 grown ducklings range with chickens, but because we have unfenced areas that go through dense bush on 2 1/2 acres, the ducks take off and wander wherever they please.. into neighbour's yards. Oddly enough, they come running back when called, tho they...
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