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  1. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I've been lurking - The ol' peeping Tom thing.... Hope everyone is doing great, staying healthy and WARM...
  2. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hey Everyone! Sorry to announce that I won't be able to make it to the Bash this weekend. Two separate things have come up that I just can't reschedule or miss. It sucks, but it's life I guess... I'll miss you all. Please take plenty of pics to post. Laters - Tom
  3. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'm pretty sure it was a female. Hmmm... Come to think of it, she was quite large and had a very deep voice - Oh boy... I'm starting to feel nauseous. Thanks for nothing Dan!
  4. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Did I ever tell you about the time I was sexually harassed while at work? ... It was AWESOME!
  5. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I was having a problem with a stalker on here - It didn't bother me because I knew all along it was BF4M just trying to change her voice. I knew it was her cause I recognized the blue shirt and sunglasses! Once I called her on it, she stopped - although she still won't admit it....
  6. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Holy Cow! I miss three days of lurking and have 169 posts to catch up on! Had a taste of Spring up here in 'da UP. I even hung my bed linen and T-shirts on the line! Love crawling into a bed fresh with sheets dried outside on the line - only one thing could have made it better.... LOL...
  7. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I don't think we are gonna have a Spring this year. I think we are gonna jump right into summer! At least the Sap Collectors are having a good year and the fruit trees should produce a lot better than last year... I'm hoping somebody will have a few chicks/hens to sell at the swap this year...
  8. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Crappy day here in Yooperville... Weather sucks... I'm soooo tired of winter. Now we have this heavy snow to deal with.... COME ON SPRING! Of course Spring means mud... LOL Roosters are doing great and have moved right into the flock. I was surprised to see that the Hens didn't stop...
  9. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    LOL I can tell that he is male vice female but as far as what kind of chicken it is... Maybe Jim can.... I can't. I just thought it was cool that they crowed in harmony....
  10. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Also - I have two broody Golden Buffs... How long will they stay broody? I'd like to let nature do it's thing rather than sit and sweat over my incubator...
  11. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Dust Dust Dust..... Can't believe how much dust chickens make. I'll never Brood in the basement again.... NEVER! It worked out well as far as the chicks staying healthy but ... my god, the dust! LOL Anybody know how long it will be before I can reasonably assume I have fertile eggs if I...
  12. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Picked up Two Roosters today from Vicki (CC's Friend). I "think" they are a Dom/Buff cross - Help me out CC I got them home and they crow in harmony... LOL one says Cock-a-doodle-doo while the other one crows Cock-a-doodle-wah. The "wah" is about 8 notes down from the other's crow... It's...
  13. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Happy Valentines Day to all the Cheesehead Ladies! Getting another 3-5 inches of snow today... I'm soooo over winter already. Working on the plans to build a 3X8 Brooder on legs. I'm using the old fashioned hinges with the pins and some other "Polish ingenuity" hardware to enable me to...
  14. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good to see you up and about Jim! BF4M - CONGRATS!!!!
  15. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    The Buff/Dom cross sounds great :-)
  16. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Wow - you are only about 55 miles from me! - I may have to take you up on that offer... I'll see what's going on this weekend - if that's okay? What breed?
  17. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    A good way to catch mice/rats without poison: 1 five gal bucket 1 piece of wood at least 1 inch wide and 3 feet long 1 gallon of winter windshield wash 1 metal coat hanger 1 can pop/beer peanut butter duct tape 1. Cut coat hanger and straighten so that it is long enough to lay over the top...
  18. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good Morning my fellow Chicken Freaks! Well, the Holidays are over and from reading the past threads it seems like the majority of us had a fantastic season. I'm sorry for the ones with trouble on their plates (Sickness/IRS...etc.) - Things can only get better! I had some problems with...
  19. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    What a beautiful day! A bit cold - but it sure was nice to have the sun shining so brightly! Got the house all cleaned up - I even cleaned/conditioned the hardwood floors. DD24 just called and said they were just coming up on Oconto. They should be here in 20-30 min. It'll be nice to...
  20. Tomski

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Well... Taking a little break. Got the Driveway & Paths to woodshed and coop all plowed out. Boy, the hydraulic winch I installed on my ATV to lift and lower the blade is a god send. My left shoulder was killing me from having to lift the blade every time I backed up. Now I can drink beer...
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