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  1. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    So I was just looking at my 6 week old blue pullet. She's a lighter blue than the parents and any others I've hatched. Today I noticed something odd on her neck... turns out it's a few black feathers, like the dark patches you see on splash Australorps. Is this normal or common in blues?
  2. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    You'd think there would be a difference by now for sure! How do you manage to always hatch girls?? You lucky duck! Although I suppose that messes up your plans of hatching your own Australorp eggs :/ I must say I bought my first ever shipped eggs a few weeks ago... bought 16, only 1...
  3. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    I don't think so (At least I hope not, haha!) The 5 week old blue one has a tiny comb compared to the chicks that she was hatched with! This is my Bantam Australorp X Plymouth Rock, same age as the 5 week old blue chick. His comb is huge!! All the roosters in that bunch have combs like this...
  4. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    Some photos of my babies :) My oldest now 5 weeks old... A blue one that I am pretty sure is female. Then my younger 3. 1 black, 1 blue and 1 splash, all about 3.5 weeks old. Black chick, I suspecting a male. Splash chick, definitely a male! Blue chick, suspected pullet. I've...
  5. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    Stunning photos Apps! I agree that you have 1 boy and 1 girl, hard to tell for sure thoug... Of my 4 bantam australorp babies I thi k my little 5 week old blue is a girl, my 3.5 week old splash is very clearly a rooster with a very red comb! And my 2 blacks I'm not sure about yet...
  6. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    No problems. It can be hard to get your head around at first! These two pictures clearly show the difference in feathers :) My rooster has lots of pointy feathers around his neck and just behind his wings. And you can see on my hen that all the feathers have nice round ends on them :)
  7. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    Definitely a cockerel, he's got lots of pointy hackle and saddle feathers...sorry!
  8. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    With my first (and only) chicks that I raised in a brooder box, I put newspaper down with that grippy rubber matting (don't know what it's called) on top. Seemed to work really well, I just hosed off the matting every day to clean it. The hay is not something i had there all the time...
  9. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    Yes I think so, don't know for sure. There is another hatched on the same day that has a bigger comb, but this one still has a pretty big comb for it's age.
  10. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    Yeah, roosters like that have no place with me!
  11. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    I had a standard Aussie rooster that was supposed to be a hen, lol. I think he was about 17 weeks when I re-homed him, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't crowing yet. He was lovely, no sign of aggression from him towards me or the other roosters he was with (also supposed to be hens, lol). My...
  12. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    I'm starting to think he/she is blue as well! :) Had 2 more little Australorps successfully hatch :D One is definitely black, the other is possibly blue... so hard to tell! Terrible lighting I know (Its been a dark and dreary day today)... Blue at top, black at bottom? The little black...
  13. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    Yeah the light feathers are unexpected to say the least! Will be interesting to see what happens as it gets older! I've finally figured out what my other mystery black chick is - Australorp X Plymouth Rock, It's got some slight barring coming through :)
  14. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    My first little Australorp is now 2 weeks old! Gee time flies! As this is my first time hatching Australorps can anyone clarify for me... Blue or black? I'm thinking black... Also is this little white feather on his/her wing something to be expected?
  15. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    My first Splash bantam Australorp just hatched a couple of days early Looks strong and healthy! I have another 2 due to hatch (I did set 5, but 2 ended up being infertile).
  16. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    One of the eggs that these chicks hatched from is from my breeding pen which only contains my bantam Australorp hens and rooster. The other egg is from my mixed flock... The only black bird I have in the mixed flock is a spangled hamburg mix - she is actually the sister of the broody hen who's...
  17. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    So I had a hen sitting on 5 random eggs from my flock, all cross breeds except for 1 pure bantam australorp egg... They hatched last night and I was surprised to find two black chicks! One is an Australorp, one is not... anyone have thoughts on which one is the Australorp? One is distinctly...
  18. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    Interesting! From my experience, reacting to the rooster's aggression just makes them worse. In the past I've found picking them up and holding them for a bit every day fixes the problem but this fella won't let me catch him... I never turn my back on him, and I watch him constantly if I see...
  19. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    Gee your neighbour sounds like a pain in the butt! Hopefully any future roosters you have won't be aggressive ones. I agree with the others, the early crowers tend to be more aggressive. My australorp rooster is incredibly placid, he's never tried to attack me. My other boy had a few goes when...
  20. maddogdodge

    Australorps breed Thread

    Every rooster is different. One of my chicks last year started crowing at 8 weeks old! I've had other boys that didn't crow until around 6 months old. I believe they start mating anywhere from 4-6 months? My Australorp didn't start working until 6 months, but my other mixed breed boy started...
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