Be responsible for your dogs !!!(graphic pics)

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as soon as those words flow out of our mouths....oh man. i try never to say, my kids/dogs/cats/chickens/everthing else would never....that's when it all turns ugly. spook's's not ever 100%.

the sad part is the dog is the victim and the perp. he isn't being kept in his own domain. it's like a child, ignorant of the rules if none are set. and if they aren't set and enforced...ugh.
So sorry for your loss - the guy needs to be made to see the destruction and he needs to commit to properly controlling his animals. The run idea is a good one but it is a shame you are being forced into this by someone else's irresponsibiity.
I am sorry. I would not let my chickens free range if I knew there was somebody letting their dogs run loose.

I would make him pay for what he did. I have an idiot neighbor like that. He lets his dogs run, luckly they dont bother my animals.
Send the owner the picture and a bill and get the law involved...
It's so completely unfair that WE do the right things and our animals pay...
I'm so sorry for your losses...
Your other birds probably are in shock...your hurt guy should be alright if he doesn't get an infection.
IMO the right thing to do now would be to put the birds in a fenced in run during the daytime and a locked up coop at night. After all the dog is still next door and can come back for the rest now. I really doubt they will ever lock the dog up 24/7. Even if they keep him fenced in, he can always jump the fence to come back when he gets hungry.
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Forgive me if I missed this in the prior posts, but you need to talk to the owner of the dog and get restitutionon all of your birds. Get a number in your head and tell him that is what you want him to pay you for the loss of your livestock. Did you catch the dog doing this? If so, and the guy won't pay, take him to small claims court. Do you have a leash law in your area? Any dog on my property killing my livestock will be shot on sight, sorry I'm a dog lover, by this is just wrong.
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