Chicken killed by dog :(


7 Years
Jan 17, 2013
My dog killed our best bird and injured one
. It is really hard for me because I love my dog even though it breaks my heart not to see Barry, (my barred rock hen) there anymore. So we are trying to figure out what to do. She killed three so far, one got killed by a owl two died from sicknesses and then to have another one killed is pretty hard. I am trying to figure out how to handle my dog too
Sorry for your lose. I have lost a lot of my birds to my own dogs and I had to get rid of one dog because how many she killed. So it's a hard decision.
I"m so sorry.
You will have to have a secure pen from the dog and other predators too. I was told that once a dog kills they will keep killing. I hope you find a solution and can keep both your girls and dog too.
So sorry. Secure your pen (electric wire is an excellent deterrent) and keep the dog up when the chickens are out. Takes a little management to do this but protecting your chickens is a must if you want to keep them. Dogs will be dogs and some require supervision around chickens, and some simply can not be trusted. I know you hear stories about dogs protecting the chickens and it is possible to keep dogs with chickens. However, some dogs are bred to be livestock guardians and some dogs are bred to hunt.
I agree with the post about the electric wire. We used just a simple pet fence box with wire and you would not believe the speed in which our old fat dog ran after it zapped her. She was not even seen in sight of that chicken house for at least a year. She gave one other test zapped again and never bothered with that pesky chicken house again.
THis is a tad gruesome, but an old farmer practice was to tie the dead carcass to the dogs collar for a day or 2....yes it gets gross...However, the dog learned to associate that nasty stinking dead bird with klilling them. We had to rehome a dog for killing one of our Buff roos a little while back, wish wed known about thtrying this then.

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