Awww what a beautiful story! That makes my heart so happy.. But very sad for your Popcorn :-(

Thanks. Popcorn was an amazing girl. I feel like she would have been the best mom ever. She had some amazing skills but I still technically have her; I have her in her chicks. She survived something grabbing her head and ripped a flap of skin off and for the rest of her life, she had a little flap on the very top of her head. I which I had a picture of her, but I don't. What I do have is a picture of her children though:

That's all the pictures I have with me right now. If you want, I can get more pictures of her kids though.
EDIT - She mated with two different roosters. One was a black bantam cochin and the other was a mixed rooster.
UPDATE: End of day 19, candled one last time to see if any change in air sacs. They were the tiniest bit bigger (humidity has been about 35% all day today) I planned on adding some warm water to the bator at sight of first pip but now I think I will just add a bit at the end of day 20 before I go to bed just incase they decide to pip while I'm asleep, I don't want them to suffocate, if that is even possible at this point with the humidity being as high as it was during the first 14 days. The stress is agonizing. Will update again tomorrow.
Spotted an external pip on the egg that was rocking before bed last night. Not sure when it happened, i hope the humidity wasn’t too low when it did. It was between 40-50% from last night to this morning and I just bumped it up to 60 when I saw the pip. The anxietyyyyyyyy :barnie
It'll be fine, deep breaths, sit on your hands. :D
What i thought was a pip wasn’t, I think i just got excited and started seeing things My temp has been 99.8-100.4 throughout entire process. I have read that still air incubators should have a higher temp like 101-102 so maybe that’s why? I’m using a little giant still air
Yep, cooler temps can make for longer incubation.

Did you have a tested/calibrated thermometer?

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