Dog attack! HELP!!! Chicken not well!

I've had one of my own dogs get loose and tear through one of my pens, leaving at least 2 or 3 in sad shape. He gets them by the neck and shakes them. But so far I've only lost 2 when he's done this. I've seen mine much worse so take heart. The reason she's laying so still, I personally think, is like shock. I just bring her inside wrapped in a towel and sit her in my tub next to a hot water bottle. I put a feed and water dish within beak-range, and turn off the lights and let her rest. I check on her several times a day and talk softly to her, patting her gently when I do. Within a day or two she's up and around and all is well, except for egg production, which takes some time to recover. The most I've done for the skin and cuts is just warm water on an old rag and gently cleaned. Never had a problem. The feathers take some time to grow back though. Hope that helps.
Bless It!!! We Had A Dog Attack On 10 Of Our Chicks When They Were 3 Weeks Old. All Made It But 4. There Was One That Was Badly "gimmped Up". I Thought The Little Feller Was Going To Die. I Wrapped Her (i Think Its A Girl) Up In A T'shirt And Put Her In A Box In A Quite Peaceful And Lord Have Mercy S-a-f-e Place. A Few Hours Later She Sprang To Life And Besides Looking Like What The "dog Drug Up And Knawled On" She Was Ok. I Hope You Have An Outcome Like I Did. Also When I Found Them I Went Into Crying Hystricis. My Husband "tossed" The Dead Ones In The Woods So I Wouldnt Have To Look At Them. Late That Afternoon I Went To The Edge Of The Woods Hoping Some Had Just Ran And Sure Enough 2 Came To Me When Called. So I Just Wonder If They Do Like Possums And Play Dead? Good Luck With Your Sweet Baby!
I appreciate everyone's ideas and cures and stories. This is so helpful and comforting to me. Strangers helping strangers. Even though it's chickens, it's great! Well Radish made it through the night. She pooped all night but didn't eat or drink. I left for work and just came home and do you believe that girl gave me an egg today?!? She bawked when I approached her and tried to get away. Yes, she hates my guts usually, so I was happy to see she was acting normal! I picked her up out of kennel and in the private hospital suite I made. She is very gimpy. She will stand on left leg and tuck right one in. But if forced, she uses it. I backed off so she wouldn't hobble. She went right for the sweet corn and I put the feed, water and a scrambled egg in front of her and she is chowing down. A little more hope today. I will keep her legs clean and use Neosporin and Tylan. Again, thank you everyone.
After taking a look this morning, it seems that her "elbow" is swollen. She will put pressure on it if she needs to, but rather just hunker down. I have been keeping the area clean and have been giving her Tylan. My new concern is this swollen area. Any clues?

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