Dog killed my chickens, I killed the dog

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I kind of agree. Every time someone posts about killing the neighbor dog the threads seem to get several pages of replies, usually of people sharing stories of killing their own neighbor dog or cheering the OP on for shooting the dog. People seem to get a little too excited about the subject. You gotta protect your animals but you don't need to take joy in killing someone elses.
Kinda seems hypocritical to be so keen on killing the dog (someones pet just like hens).

You gotta protect your animals but you don't need to take joy in killing someone elses.

You folks couldn't be more off base here. The last thing I want to do is shoot a dog. I love dogs, have had one most of my life--fenced, always, never allowed to roam, period. If I have to shoot someone's dog, that is severe emotional distress on top of possibly having my pets torn apart. I do not want to kill a dog, any dog, but I will.

If it's a pet, keep it safe on your own property. What's so darn hard about that? If you can't do it, if the dog is smarter than its owner, then the owner just shouldn't have a dog.

When a dog is on its own property, it's a pet. When someone else's dog is on my property, it's a predator. Simple as pie.
Use the money to buy a sign that reads...."Chickens Protected by Smith and Wesson!" Way to go, girl!!!
Sorry for your loss and the stress of shooting the dog. You did what you had to do. If not your chickens, it might have been your kids.

I feel sorry for the dog that he had such irresponsible owners. Had he not gotten shot, he probably would have been hit by a car. Most roaming dogs around here do it regularly because the owners let them. Not because of an accidental one-time escape.

I would talk to them first to see if you can get some monetary compensation. Give them a chance to do the right thing. If they won't, take them to court.
So sorry for your loss. Neighbors friends came to his house and let their 3 dogs out. They attacked our chicks, one ran off and didn't come back for 2 days. We thought she was dead. Neighbors friends said they would get us another chicken, told them I didn't want another chicken, I wanted "Blondie" back. Dog people just don't get it. They think their dogs are part of the family, our chickens aren't? I may not let my chicks lick their butt then lick my face, but I still like them. Don't get me wrong, I like dogs, but we also like the wildlife. My chicks don't run all the squirrels and rabbits off.
Really horrendous situation for all involved. Breaks my heart to read these stories. The bottom line is: Chickens are basically defenseless in the face of attack. They need us, their owners, to provide them with some protection.

No, it is not my responsibility to fence out the neighbors dog. But it IS my responsibilty to provide protection to my chickens, they are mine and they sure can't do it themselves.

If we are going to wait for neighbors to do the right thing and control their dogs, well, a hot place will freeze over before that happens. There are just to many idiot, uncaring owners, and to many dogs that may accidently escape not to mention strays and dumped dogs and all those other predators out there.

Again, OP, I am so sorry this happened. I hope your neighbors will step up and make things right with you. You don't want to end up in a long time feud with those you must live next door to indefinitely.
When a dog is on its own property, it's a pet. When someone else's dog is on my property, it's a predator. Simple as pie.

Bravo, Cynthia -- that's it in a nutshell. Well said!
I am so sorry for your losses. When will dog owners learn that they must keep their dogs at home? I know how you feel I did the same thing last year when it charged me after chasing my chichi ... I took the body back and was crying when I told the owner. I hated to have to do it.
I kind of agree. Every time someone posts about killing the neighbor dog the threads seem to get several pages of replies, usually of people sharing stories of killing their own neighbor dog or cheering the OP on for shooting the dog. People seem to get a little too excited about the subject. You gotta protect your animals but you don't need to take joy in killing someone elses.

I' m sorry I did not see any invites to a "I shot a dog" party...I never have. what I saw was someone who did what was necessary and someone who was upset....I saw no joy on the post. Shooting a dog is never a joy.
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I'm so sorry for your loss!

A couple years ago there was stray dogs that would roam around the whole town because someone can't keep their dogs on their own property and the mayor said they have had animal control out and they still couldn't catch the dogs and they really didn't want to shoot them. The dogs finally came to our property one day and I just let the chickens out into their run (the run is very sturdy, it has concrete 3 foot deep around the whole run) and they scared the cr*p out of me because I was just coming out of the coop and I had to stay in that coop till they went away. I couldn't run to the house either because the day before I happened to step on a nail and went to the doctors office to get a tetanus shot and the made me make sure I had the wound covered up real good because it went in quite a ways and I didn't want it to get infected.

Then the neighbors cat was starting to get interested into the chickens and they said they would keep the cat inside for now on because they don't want to cause any trouble. (They said the cat is an indoors/outdoors cat.)

Sorry for going on and on.
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