dog was sick * A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!*

last month we ran a course of kennel cough, the vet said it is passed from one dog to another, the symptoms sound like what we went through. the vet said it just runs it's course like the flu or a cold, only the older dog was given antibiotics to help. ( they got it from taking them to a wash your dog place the day before TG to smell good )

Here she is a couple of months ago:

About a year ago some cruel people just dumped her by my house, and on top of that they had cut her poor ears
You might have her checked for heartworms. Don't panic - there's more than one kind of treatment if it is...

edited to say "She is a beautiful dog"
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ther00ster'scr0w :


Here she is a couple of months ago:

About a year ago some cruel people just dumped her by my house, and on top of that they had cut her poor ears

OMG!!!! She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!!!!! She looks exactly like my 13 year old dog that died about 5 years ago. Awwwwwwwww, too adorable.
So glad that you took her in and gave her a warm and loving home.​
It could have been a number of things including scratches and bites from bob cats, or a collision with a car.
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I had a Borzoi that died of blood clot in the heart. About two weeks prior to her death, she ran into a horse fence, busted up her face good but her gum was kind of purplish color. She got up and felt ouchy and I thought hmmmm, probably got the wind knocked out of her. So I let her rest the rest of the day and in 48 hours, she was fine, no other symptoms. Then she had her spay surgery which may have hasten her death a bit because two days after her surgery, she collapsed and died without any warning. I was sick for days. The vet did an autopsy on her heart and confirmed it and he did sent the heart to U of I to confirm his findings because the breeder wants to know for sure what has happened. Also the autopsy revealed alot of things that I never knew about, several broken ribs, bad bladder and kidneys (because she was a show dog) and it made my vet suspecious of her old injuries as "abuse" which I do not think the breeder ever abused her. Running into fences are so common in Borzois in their tracking trials.

Has your dog ran itself against the fence, chasing after something? Good thing you took her to the vet!
unfortunately her symptoms have worsened......

Her nose has begun to bleed and there seems to be bleeding from her gums...does anyone have any idea to what is happening??!
Call the vet and find out what your next move would be....I bet you may need to take her back in to get a full check up. Something is not right.

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