Eglu Cube


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Shelbyville Tn
I just purchased an Eglu Cube for my Serama chickens, I have two large coops for my standard chickens, but after buying my pair of Serama, I found out quickly that it is too dangerous for them to range with my larger birds. It will arrive the end of July and I can't wait. Does anyone have any experience with keeping bantams in this type of setup? One problem I noticed from pictures is that the ladder doesn't go all the way to the ground.
The ladder is pretty close to the ground; the chickens should be able to get to it. One issue a couple of us have had is that the chickens seem to have a bit of trouble navigating the ladder itself, so we have zip-tied plastic poultry netting to the ladder, which has fixed the problem.

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