~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

Storm Gasped. His eyes narrowed. "Get off Thorn Spurs!" he cackled, flying over, kicking one foot out and pushing goldenfeather's tail to catch the bird off balance and distracting.
Goldenfeather flung him to the other side of the fight
Thorn Spurs cawed in surprise and anger. She leapt away from him and let out an ear-splitting crow. "WING FLOCK, ATTACK!" she then jumped at Goldenfeather and tore out some of his hackle feathers. "Next time it'll be your eye!" She hissed as she lept back again.
Cloud whipped around and glared at Cold. The silkie hen was careful to watch her opponent, as she had a very annoying crest that partly blocked her vision. "Come at me, you soft-beaked cockerel!" She cackled aggressively.
Rose looked around the battlefield. Her eyes locked on to Blaze. She flew toward him, her claws aimed at his face.
Blaze ducked and barely avoided the angry hen's lunge. He spun around and pecked at her comb.
Rose felt a searing pain in her comb. Blood seeped into her eyes, making it hard to see. "No-spur! Short-claw!" She shot insults at Blaze while shaking her head to clear away the blood.
Blaze grabbed the hen's neck feathers and didn't let go.
Rose shook off the cockerel and jabbed her beak into his saddle. He squealed in pain and tried to run away. Rose let go, but the cockerel just turned right back around. She lifted her hackles.
Goldenfeather leaped at her clawing a deep gash in her side
Cold jumped at Cloud and began pecking the back of her head
Goldenfeather flung him to the other side of the fight

Goldenfeather leaped at her clawing a deep gash in her side
Cold jumped at Cloud and began pecking the back of her head
Thorn Spurs danced away from the large rooster. "That all you got, eh?" She teased and rushed at him, spurring his face.
Cloud let out a shriek and flapped her fuzzy wings. She turned her head and jabbed her beak at his head.
Thorn Spurs danced away from the large rooster. "That all you got, eh?" She teased and rushed at him, spurring his face.
Cloud let out a shriek and flapped her fuzzy wings. She turned her head and jabbed her beak at his head.
Goldenfeather tried to doge but instead it hit his wing. It went so deep he could see bone "Your going to regret that!!" he flew at her and before she could do anything he ripped out all her tail feathers "Numb butt!"
Cold jumped back and then leaped at her grabbing some of her fluff-like-feathers
SilverWing glanced around then walked up to argument. (Is that good?)
(Good! but It`s kinda a fight.....)
River walked up to Silverwing "got a target yet? Cause I don`t. We can fight together that way we`ll be stronger." "Even though I don`t like you. you chose your side. Think all you want I`m your friend. But right now I need you as a ally."

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