
The Ambassador Bridge


Don't look down scary hahaha! I hate bridges!

I will pay tax for bridge fear tomorrow 💖
I’m at 13000 feet and on auto pilot, bored out of my mind. Hannah and Cathryn are talking yap yap yap. Life sucks then we die I guess. I’m a friggin taxi driver. I just want to go home
You could be stuck at the border crossing...... 😆

Is that ftom a movie, sounds familiar!
I think I am more excited about your silkies hatching then what is in my own incubator. I cannot wait to see pictures of the cute little fuzz balls. I was wondering if you had candled them yet. Were the eggs shipped to you or did you do a local pick up? Everything I've read has told me that if it is shipped eggs sometimes you just have to be happy with a 50% hatch rate.
I picked them up. I did candle them some didnt look viable. I cant wait to see what hatches.

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