Thank you both. I did look into the implant a while back for Diana and I cannot remember now but I remember seeing a side-effect that could make matters worse. But this weekend I will dig into that and human contraception and flaxseed is easy as I have it on hand anyway and is a no regret move I suspect.
Come Monday I will be on the phone to avian vets within driving distance.
Assuming little Eli survives until then - I am not liking the look of her today - not very active.
Poor girl.
And shout out to Bernie who sat cuddled up to her for a chunk of time first thing this morning.
Just another note - re her walking - I thought that egg binding can put pressure on the nerve from her spine to her legs, causing the weakness.
Twirp has started laying again!View attachment 3429606(Hers is the blue egg. Size on the white is Nellie, Blanche, or PITA. Thing was in a box like she's working on laying). Everyone else lays either green or brown eggs except Lark and Indigo who lay SMALL white eggs.
Love it! The white one looks pink in that photo.
Hi all, how is everyone?
Yesterday Dixie passed away with the babies under her wing with them chirping trying to get her to wake up. I sent her off for a Necropsy in UCONN because her sudden death alarms me. Jolene seems like her behavior and is sleeping in the house. All dirty, ruffled feathers, pale, not eating. Hope she pulls through.
Oh no! I am sooo very sorry to read this. Hugs.
Rockin Robin....

Out in the barn, in my office rocking to oldies, have my chickies sitting there glaring at me for not giving them more treats.

Rocking around the clock.... bopbop bopbop dum dee.....

Pretty chickie, walking down the aisle way..... Poor old Roy - likely rolling in his grave at my mangling his song :)

Awww… they missed you! And was Pretty Woman running back to a nest?
Dixie ended up passing from many tumors, she had severe cancer. Tumors in the intestines, ovary, kidney, spleen, everywhere. She acted off for a while before being broody, i really believe she would have passed sooner but pushed onwards to care for her babies and to teach them all they needed to know.
Jolene seems to be improving rapidly. She had worms in her poop, i’m treating it with safeguard. She is eating and drinking well. Hope she makes a full recovery.
Oh no how sad but she is in a better place now ❤️

How are the wee ones doing?
Strange Roosting
We are getting wind gusts up to 50 mph (80 kph) tonight. The high winds have resulted in a couple of strange roosting occurrences tonight.
  1. Hattie is on a roost!
  2. Betty has left Hattie House for the security of the main coop.
View attachment 3432087
Yay, Hattie!

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