Separation Anxiety

It has begun and I have anxiety. I saw Sydney peck at Ned and Lucky at different times today. Not often but she seemed to be setting boundaries related to food.

Tonight at bed check I knew that separation was underway. 🥺

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That seems about right. Mama did the same thing with the fluffs. She still cares for them and is with them during the day, but it is the start of separation.
Separation Anxiety

It has begun and I have anxiety. I saw Sydney peck at Ned and Lucky at different times today. Not often but she seemed to be setting boundaries related to food.

Tonight at bed check I knew that separation was underway. 🥺

View attachment 2244200
:hugs It is sad to see the inevitable start, but it's good that Sydney had a handle on this parenting thing.

I wonder If Sydney considers that they have enough feathers now to self regulate their body temperature or if she would stay in the nest with them longer if the weather was colder?
Lucky is very cognizant of where her mum is. She tends to stick closer to her. I could see her moving on because Sydney did. Ned, not so much.
4 weeks is early here. Mum's egg laying cycle has some influence, but I've had mums take their chics with them when recommencing laying for a couple of weeks.
Sometimes the mum will send the chicks to cover while she lays and if she's taught them well I won't be able to find them until she goes to call them.
For the older chicks they get left under the supervision of the junior rooster. The bantams seem more prone to this than the crosses.
4 weeks is early here. Mum's egg laying cycle has some influence, but I've had mums take their chics with them when recommencing laying for a couple of weeks.
Sometimes the mum will send the chicks to cover while she lays and if she's taught them well I won't be able to find them until she goes to call them.
For the older chicks they get left under the supervision of the junior rooster. The bantams seem more prone to this than the crosses.
Does that make me a junior rooster? :confused:
Hattie Breaks Out

I have no photos of the occurrence but it finally happened. Hattie has been struggling with plastic fence since i put it in. She can't quite jump over it and gets her feet tangled every time. She refuses to just fly over it. Well yesterday Hattie finally won and the fence lost. She snapped one of the panels off. Making it easier for everyone to maneuver.



I will take it down today.

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