Hen-Rietta has a problem. Egg broke inside of her. I can’t catch her to give her a bath and soaking in Epsom salt yet. The yolk was on her feathers around the vent. Probably some shell still there inside. :( I don’t like giving them a bath late in the evening, but I have to with her tonight.
Oh dear that’s not great. Ok well hopefully you can get her sorted out, I will keep an eye out for updates from you ❤️
Butters legs now.
Right spur, sort of

Left leg, zoom in to see just a tiny spot where it might have grown

Hazel (left) hung out with Butters one day, she seemed uncomfortable, with an approaching lay, I think. Peanut came over after a while and stood with them. Butters was fine again the next day.

Another bonus of the babies anchoring the adults around the coop: the adults go to bed a full hour before they were prior to the babies arrival.

So far, the babies seem tolerant of me coming in and tucking them under "mama": go to bed. A little mischievous running back out, but (so far) as the adults' model is "gone to bed" they're fine with it. (It's not going to last much longer: the 18 month old crashing is rapidly turning into the 3 year old giggling and streaking the house having snuck out of the bathtub.)

At this rate, "mama" may end up getting moved out of the tote and tote removed all together. The teenage "parent gonna kill the brat" phase may not come until they're too big to fit through the holes. Food won't be an issue as the All Flock the adults get is about the same protein rate as the babies crumble. Banana boxes are being held in reserve for when they don't need/won't fit in the tote.

So far, I'm REALLY liking the "mama" hen pad and raising babies in the coop from first day here. They can see and be seen. The initial escape hole requires some climbing and is on the sheltered side. Integration has been almost instantaneous. I expect the babies to start trying to head outside in the next day or 2. (I'm not ready) I'm going to let things play out (mostly) by keeping an eye on things but trying to hang back and let the adults tend them. The babies NEED to be listening to the adults. Their first forays outdoors will get those lessons quickly (and hopefully safely).

The Adventure goes on.
Well you have a full house! And your hands full! But if you are like me then you wouldn’t have it any other way 🥰 kids, chickies, chooks and dogs. Chaos and fun 😊❤️
Butters legs now.
Right spur, sort of
View attachment 3530831

Left leg, zoom in to see just a tiny spot where it might have grown
View attachment 3530840

Hazel (left) hung out with Butters one day, she seemed uncomfortable, with an approaching lay, I think. Peanut came over after a while and stood with them. Butters was fine again the next day.
View attachment 3530841
View attachment 3530843
Oh yes! I see that spur, we’ll learn a new thing every day!

They all look so contented 😊❤️ There is something soothing seeing one’s chooks wandering around tasting everything catching bugs 😊
Assorted 2s

Blanche and PITA

2 pairs: little yellow and dark cheeky by the hatch, big buff and Zulu on the ground.

Twirp and featherfoot

Clean leg and Zulu

Same pair (note tail difference, Zulu was one of the last to hatch)

They like running in 3s: featherfoot, Zulu and clean leg

Zulu and big buff

Feather foot and Zulu with clean leg checking out the oyster shell dish

Jessica and Maizie (the unobtrusive baby watch from just outside the coop: it's amazing how aware they are of surroundings while seemingly being oblivious to everything but the bug hunt)

Up at the top of the olives, there's some mutual curiosity there....

Maizie and Hector

I'm Outa Here!!!!
Love this mini story and thank you for sharing it I learn so much from all of you.

It really is nerve wracking with babies in the coop, the integration aspect is amazing but the potential dangers of the big coop and run are many.

I am really torn on which way works best for me. I look forward to reading about how it goes.
I am amazed at how fast my brooder-hand raised chicks integrated. And really frustrated with how my co-broodies and babies are still not as integrated as I want. Though now I am letting them go to bed on their own.

I wonder if I gave Sophia chicks and her being a high status hen if she would be more different with integration.
Broody Abigail Update.
Abigail was out and about most of the day. Someone must have stomped on her in the box this morning or Felicitas evicted her. Abigail went to her nest box before I ate my dinner. I had to remove her from the box to soak her feet in Epsom salt. She took that as a opportunity to poop in the water, making us refill it :rolleyes: . After that I put her outside. She preened a bit, and then went right back to her box.I guess she is going to try again. Either she wants to hatch eggs or is trying to do a Beakbook detox.

Oh, and @Ponypoor, the tax will be coming in later. I'm taking one of my old computers for a spin.
As long as it’s chicken related no tax required

So if your hens are broody so you want to hatch eggs?

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