Tax for hay, I need to pay: IMG_3205.jpeg
You were the one crying and whining that you wanted broodies and babies. You are getting what you put into the universe.
Absolutely true, but chickens really do take advantage of that clause to a high degree. Almost everyone here never intended originally to have as many as we do and yet here we all are. The chicken distribution system is exceedingly generous to say the least. 😂
Absolutely true, but chickens really do take advantage of that clause to a high degree. Almost everyone here never intended originally to have as many as we do and yet here we all are. The chicken distribution system is exceedingly generous to say the least. 😂
They know suckers when they hear them. 😆
The new chicks I bought were given names since they are supposed to be all girls and are intended to be keepers. Their 4 siblings who Raven hatched were claimed the day they were born and will recieve their names once they go home in 4 or 5 weeks. I am using the pictures I took of them Tuesday to officially introduce them to you.

Grandma's Barred Rocks so she got to name them. She chose Trudy and Judy. I love the name Judy. I am sure one day one of those two will go broody and I can have a broody Judy.
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The speckled sussex's are Spot and Dot or Dottie since they will one day be spotted and dotted.
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Now when the other names were chosen I had only lost the silver EE so I was reusing the name Frick and Frack for the 2 wyandottes. I used it before for a pair and both turned out to be boys. The lone EE I decided would be Sally. Well, you all know what happened. I am now left with a gold EE and a Gold Laced Wyandotte. I really want a Frick and Frack so I am thinking I will still use it for those 2. They are a pair of gold based chicks after all.
Frick will be my floofy faced EE, her cheeks have gotten poofier if possible in 2 days. She must be finding spicy food somewhere. She is bold, courageous and given every chance will hop into my hand and then sit on my shoulder snuggled up to my neck. Yes I said before I already have a favorite and it is her based on personality alone.
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Frack will be the little gold wyandotte. She is also bold and curious but with her surroundings and not me.
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Rest in peace my 2 silver beauties, you time here was short but you were loved.
I love the names ❤️
I have a lot of pictures to post but this needs to be posted first. I walked to within two steps of this guy hanging out on the divider fence between Red and Stupid. This is a Copperhead, which is venemous. One of these guys cost me a $300 vet bill for my huskies. Lobo was bitten once and recovered quickly but Maya was bitten twice and took a few days. Today I put both flocks outside and worked around to where my shot would only catch the snake. Be aware as you tend your flocks!

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