Wow your kiddos are taking this Jungle Fowl thing to heart 🥰 it’s good cover against aerial predators, not sure about foxes, etc. but your flock is better used to those predators, than the average flock I bet.

I think it’s great they can be so natural ❤️
Last time had a fox in, was late May, and a 4 day blizzard blew in within the next couple of days. The foxes (plural) made off with multiple birds. They knew the storm was coming and took them back to the den so they could hunker down. They don't usually like being that close to humans, and there's lots of safer game to go after most of the time. I also suspect someone has since shot most of the foxes. They hit the neighbor's place too, going right over their fence. Found Buster's feathers spread over a 10-15 foot circle down below. He put up a fight and I hope hurt them enough to be more wary.

Dogs have been the bigger ground threat. They aren't scared of people.

As far as the new nest site, it's about 4 feet off the corner of the coop, west side. Storm is out the east...20-30 yards. The other site is almost as far up the slope at the top of the trees.
The school chicks aren’t keen on the wild water, but Sophia’s kids just slog right into the mud and have a blast. Will see if I can get some pictures today!

Ok well I need to climb up to the house attic and put some mouse bait up there, I was awoken at 3am to something chewing in the attic over my head. I tried playing cat meows on My phone to scare it away, but it’s still there chewing 😡

Need to get rid of that immediately!
Take Missy up there....

Thirsty Thursday... picture from a few weeks ago.
Happy Tuesday everyone, I have some catching up to do. My mind has been scattered and in dark and scary places for the last month. While I have tried to keep up I have retained nothing really. I had my first Mammogram the middle of June. A month ago I received a letter that rocked my world when it came back that a nodule was discovered and I needed another one plus a possible ultrasound and biopsy. There is a history of breast cancer in my family, my grandmother beat it 26 years ago. This morning I went and had the tests done. The technician said first was the more in depth mammogram and images were being sent straight to the radiologist to review. If a ultrasound was needed we would know right away. 10 minutes later confirmed I needed a ultrasound. At this point panic is starting to set in. The ultrasound tech let me look at the screen while she located the "nodule" and measured it. I asked her how big was it if she could tell me. The letter I received said almost 7mm. She measured it to be 6.6mm. She sent the radiologist the images and told me to wait incase he needed more or if the biopsy needed scheduling. She must have told him I was worried because he gave her permission to tell me the nodule is nothing more then a lymph node which explains why that area is tender at times. No biopsy needed and no more mammograms for 2 years. I broke down and cried when I got the answer, a weight has been lifted and prayers answered. I came home and crashed. I really have not slept good for a month now. After my nap I went out and spent time with Perdita and her little one who is 4 days old. Perdita is a wonderful momma so far. A little over protective, quick to flog anyone who crosses her path but very attentive. I have not been flogged, but the chickens and the cat Trixie have. Her unfortunate victims did not deserve it, they just simply walked by her. Perdy has a bubble, 4 feet or closer is too close, do not invade her and her chicks bubble.
Pictures of the little munchkin. She is not for sure named yet so open to suggestions. Right now Rosie wants to name her Meridah from Disney's brave since she is a single chick. Claims it is a good strong name and Meridah has wild and crazy hair so it would suit a silkie. She is right, would really suit a silkie......a red silkie though so we will see. The munchkin is also black, but I swear this is the bluest black chick I have ever hatched out.
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It is already evident she will be bearded and have a nice full head poof. I am in love. I wish more then 1 would have hatched and made it, but it was not in the cards. It is ok, in 3 or 4 months she will be stunning and have the look I want in a silkie.
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Heart for Munchkin and Hugs for you! :hugs
She may stay till the youngest one gets strong enough to run with her and the others.

Can’t wait to see pictures 💕💕
Mama hen left the nest while the last egg is hatching, I did expect it because it was so late but it is pipping even though it was cold so I’m hoping it will hatch or else I will take it inside and put it under a heated blanket or something like that.
Here are some pics of mama and the hens going for their first little trip outside the nest

This one who is laying under mama is the smallest one and it really makes sure everyone knows it🤣
I'm so sorry about the burn on your hand!

I knew I'd someday grab my cast iron skillet handle with my bare hand. I saw a handle cover in the store and bought it. My rule is the handle goes on before I turn on the burner. So far, that has kept me safe.
I’ll look into that again, in the distant past they couldn’t be used at temps past 350 F., maybe less. I was baking sourdough bread at 400 F.
At least the bread came out great!
Last time had a fox in, was late May, and a 4 day blizzard blew in within the next couple of days. The foxes (plural) made off with multiple birds. They knew the storm was coming and took them back to the den so they could hunker down. They don't usually like being that close to humans, and there's lots of safer game to go after most of the time. I also suspect someone has since shot most of the foxes. They hit the neighbor's place too, going right over their fence. Found Buster's feathers spread over a 10-15 foot circle down below. He put up a fight and I hope hurt them enough to be more wary.

Dogs have been the bigger ground threat. They aren't scared of people.

As far as the new nest site, it's about 4 feet off the corner of the coop, west side. Storm is out the east...20-30 yards. The other site is almost as far up the slope at the top of the trees.
Everyone here was out on Mount Poopmore, with me chasing them back to the manure pile when they wandered to far (I am getting lots of exercise there!), at one point I was chasing the boys back when I noted fox tracks in the mud - I know they are active here so I make lots of noise to discourage them from coming around.

But of course I have Rico who makes a break for it now and won't be herded back, today I told him so be it, you're on your own. He went the long way around back to the back of the barn the brat! Sheesh!

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